I learned that I can't fill official documents with red ink and my university application was going to be denied. Luckily I got another one right there and filled it correctly. Tomorrow I'm going to finish all the proceedings 

How many dams do you have over there?Lucky ACT! I don't think our dams are 100% yet. but definitely over 50% at most.
How many dams do you have over there?
you are a funny guy. BTW. manning up simply means be a man about it. Admit when you are wrong. Say your sorry when appropriate. And with me, your credibility is destroyed. And I am sure with anyone else that is paying close attention. Close your eyes if you choose. No skin off my ass. Now... go have another beer.
I learned that while I am at work, that my brother is sanding and repainting the white trim in the kitchen for the heck of it. Awesome!!! Can't wait to see it when I get off work.![]()
Thats awesome. Its gonna be white again?
PFH: any luck in finding the elephant in the room? Will it drink your beer -strait out of the keg? Okay trunks can be handy -some times!
Implanted-Advanced Bionics-Harmony activated Aug/07
I regards to a drunk elephant, how much alcohol would an elephant need to consume to become intoxicated??
Wouldn't it depend on how habituated to alcohol the elephant was?
Yes that is a factor to consider, but I am thinking mainly on the elephants BMI in relation to the average male human. I am thinking an elephant could out drink a human male any day. In other words PFH would end up passed out before the elephant would begin to feel tipsy. But I want to go further and find out how much alcohol would an elephant need before it became intoxicated?
I did research... 1/2 gallons of booze to get an elephant drunk. (64oz or so)
64oz is hard for a human to do...without dying.
I don't want to get stomped on by a pink drunk elephant.Thats something to consider, a drunk elephant.