What did you learn today?

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I learned that I can't fill official documents with red ink and my university application was going to be denied. Luckily I got another one right there and filled it correctly. Tomorrow I'm going to finish all the proceedings :)

:rofl: you are a funny guy. BTW. manning up simply means be a man about it. Admit when you are wrong. Say your sorry when appropriate. And with me, your credibility is destroyed. And I am sure with anyone else that is paying close attention. Close your eyes if you choose. No skin off my ass. Now... go have another beer.

Wow..... Just wow.... Even after working this out in private messaging you still had to come out to drag this along... (Hint: Remember the deal? Its off now. The gloves are off now...) lol... I must have really hit a chord, didnt I?
BTW: I wasn't wrong.

Just so people know.. You have already said the same thing in this post in private messages, and I will repeat: I don't care what you think of my credibility.

You're just 1 of few that don't exactly believe me. That's actually fine with me. In every aspect of life there are always the extreme sides. It makes for a healthy growth.

I did not even report one of your posts. ;) How's that for being a "man"?
PFH: any luck in finding the elephant in the room? Will it drink your beer -strait out of the keg? Okay trunks can be handy -some times!

Implanted-Advanced Bionics-Harmony activated Aug/07
I learn that my boy does not mind eating turkey in the hotdog roll. :lol: even his friend is eating it too. My regular bread is out. I cannot go to the store while my kids' friends are here. my hubby is busy decorating the x mas lights outside, such as the aired statue of snowman, polar bear and santa, and the lighted candy canes and goes on. eh.
I learned that while I am at work, that my brother is sanding and repainting the white trim in the kitchen for the heck of it. Awesome!!! Can't wait to see it when I get off work. :)
I learned that while I am at work, that my brother is sanding and repainting the white trim in the kitchen for the heck of it. Awesome!!! Can't wait to see it when I get off work. :)

Thats awesome. Its gonna be white again?
I am very lots of busy!! i am patient! hard work! I am doing very busy!!!
PFH: any luck in finding the elephant in the room? Will it drink your beer -strait out of the keg? Okay trunks can be handy -some times!

Implanted-Advanced Bionics-Harmony activated Aug/07

Thats something to consider, a drunk elephant.
I regards to a drunk elephant, how much alcohol would an elephant need to consume to become intoxicated??
I regards to a drunk elephant, how much alcohol would an elephant need to consume to become intoxicated??

Wouldn't it depend on how habituated to alcohol the elephant was?
Wouldn't it depend on how habituated to alcohol the elephant was?

Yes that is a factor to consider, but I am thinking mainly on the elephants BMI in relation to the average male human. I am thinking an elephant could out drink a human male any day. In other words PFH would end up passed out before the elephant would begin to feel tipsy. But I want to go further and find out how much alcohol would an elephant need before it became intoxicated?
Yes that is a factor to consider, but I am thinking mainly on the elephants BMI in relation to the average male human. I am thinking an elephant could out drink a human male any day. In other words PFH would end up passed out before the elephant would begin to feel tipsy. But I want to go further and find out how much alcohol would an elephant need before it became intoxicated?

I did research... 1/2 gallons of booze to get an elephant drunk. (64oz or so)
64oz is hard for a human to do...without dying.
I did research... 1/2 gallons of booze to get an elephant drunk. (64oz or so)
64oz is hard for a human to do...without dying.

Thanks, now we have useless information that's somewhat amusing... :lol:
Wirelessly posted

I learned will be earning experience as a medical assistant. The temp agency will be calling me can't wait! I am very excited to get my foot in the door!
I just learned how to clean a fish. It wasn't that bad really.
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