What did you learn today?

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Golly. Just learned today's high is 10 degrees! :shock: Thank goodness no wind is blowing.
crap my hair OMG I am very silly acting I am teasing to bug to my gf
wow, thats disgusting Shel, are they actually school teachers *for Deaf?* if so, id be its oralism and also even if some signs, its still 'seen as a medical add-on to keep students learning' something's not right...

but again am I all wrong??

Why is it so digusting that teacher can make that much money? It is a public school district that happens to have a large D/HH program that is in split into three different programs...oralism, Cued Speech, and BiBi. All of the teachers...regular ed, special ed, deaf ed, high school and so on can make that much with a Master's Degree. It is so tempting to apply there.
Yes. It is good to support your family without working two jobs and wearing yourself down.

I am also certain you would be a major asset to any deaf/hh program they have. :wave:

Yea, I definitely wont need to work 2 jobs if I have that kind of salary. Thanks Botts!
Rice milk works very good in baking recipes that call for milk. I never notice a difference at all in taste or texture. Just make sure to get the plain/original flavor, and not vanilla.

Thanks, I hadn't heard about that one. Most of my books tell me to try coconut milk for the same reason. For daily drinking, I go with almond milk.
Thinking that I cant wait to see an old friend in Frederick tmw. I havent seen her in years. However, I am not looking forward to the long drive to Frederick. eeek!
Sometimes you need the balance between almond milk and rice milk because of the calcium. I had rice milk for very long time and I had too much calcium in my bone. Most I now use organic soy milk.
soon I ready on ready program Feb 1 anxiety program I am very happy soon! :
My friend Faith was able to come home from the hospital Saturday afternoon. She is tired and weak, but glad to be home with her dogs. She has a few tests to be done, but they can be done as an out patient at her local hospital.
I learned it will probably be difficult to get a reasonably priced Green Bay Packers jersey before the Superbowl.
I learned that I don't know who the Packers are playing against next Sunday.
Can you tell I lost interest in football after my beloved Vikings messed up their season ?? :lol:
I'm not a big fan, but tend to "keep up" because I watch the news and you know sports is a big news item. :roll:

There were a few teams in the playoffs that I would have rooted for if they made it to the Super Bowl (two in the NFC and one in the AFC...which would have made it an intersting game if one of the NFC teams and the AFC team made it). I probably won't even watch the game. I'll wait till the next day to see the commercials on the news/morning show.
I learned that my aunt wasn't mad at me for breaking her egg grabber while defending myself from a rooster that attacked me by jumping on my head and nearly pecking me to death! LOL.
I learned that my aunt wasn't mad at me for breaking her egg grabber while defending myself from a rooster that attacked me by jumping on my head and nearly pecking me to death! LOL.

HAHA!!...I'm scared of Roosters....when I was little, it was "my job" to collect the eggs from the hen house and there was this Rooster that chased me all over the chicken yard...we finally ate that bird!
HAHA!!...I'm scared of Roosters....when I was little, it was "my job" to collect the eggs from the hen house and there was this Rooster that chased me all over the chicken yard...we finally ate that bird!

I didn't kill this one but after I knocked him for a loop by throwing him on the ground then smacked him across the house like Tiger Woods he didn't know which way was up and was walking in circles the last time I looked at him. :giggle: The chicken went one way and the grabber broke off in two pieces; each going in opposite directions.
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