What did you learn today?

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I learned there was a funny truck prank on Deadliest Catch on the 2007 Season that I missed. LOL. It was funny. They took an old Ford truck from 1960-something and tied a Cornelia Marie buoy marker to it and put it in a string with their pots. When the Cornelia Marie crew was pulling it they thought their pot had gotten hung on something. When it broke the surface they realized it was an entire truck. Phil Harris himself said he had never caught a truck before in the Bering Sea. :lol: That was funny.
Learned our cats are finally getting used to the household. They will come out more often. Sammy, the boy has been better with the family than Tinkerbell the girl. Sammy does his best to make sure hubby gets up for work. Tinker is the skittish one and jumps and runs scared with every little noise. She is beginning to loosen up quite a bit. I can talk gently to her and she will not run, but I'm am the only one. We did find that they do not tolerate "baby talk". MIL has this irritating habit to talk baby-talk with the cats and they look at her like she's from another planet, then hiss and spit and run into the next room. :giggle:
I learned an advance zumba dance move :)
Learned that I am S/O/L regarding my car and financial problems. May lose it.
Learned that I am S/O/L regarding my car and financial problems. May lose it.

It's better for you to hide your car before they repossess your car. It is legal for them to take your car away anytime, even 1 a.m., without your permission.

I had a roommate that did not pay the bill for about six or eight months because they don't know where his car was. He lives with his mother's house about five blocks away from my house. He rented at my house for a year and half, and his car was always on my driveway. I was surprised to find out. Oh boy he was smart. Actually, he is a car dealer. I disliked him because I learned that he didn't honest with his customers.
Kristina, I hope something comes through for you, but if things are tight you can try cleaning it out really well and see if the dealership will buy it back from you due to financial hardship. I've heard of this being done, especially when the economy collapsed and people were losing their income left and right. I know people that went so far as cutting down from 3 or 4 vehicles down to just one and getting everyone's schedules reorganized, even having their kids ride the bus to and from school instead of driving themselves. It's worth a try and also keep your credit intact for the time being.
Kristina, I hope something comes through for you, but if things are tight you can try cleaning it out really well and see if the dealership will buy it back from you due to financial hardship. I've heard of this being done, especially when the economy collapsed and people were losing their income left and right. I know people that went so far as cutting down from 3 or 4 vehicles down to just one and getting everyone's schedules reorganized, even having their kids ride the bus to and from school instead of driving themselves. It's worth a try and also keep your credit intact for the time being.

Dealership's back in Missouri. I don't think they will take it back since they are having major problems themselves. More than 1/2 of their workforce was laid off and have not come back. Hubby talked them into waiting until the end of the week for part and then my mother will pay the rest on the 3rd.
i am big hurt my feeling upset, jeez my foster parents worried me I am weak! I know foster parents know support! I am very value treat person! I don't understand situation my personal I rid my health!
I learned that there is a acronym for hearing people who are into ASL & the deaf culture! Taken from AllyASL's YouTube profile: NERDA - Not Even Related to a Deaf Adult. I thought it was cute. I hope to be as fluent as she is. LOL
also , this is not a macilious gossip, it is merely talking. I just re-read you quote, they did nothing wrong to you, its nice to be talked about especially if its about harmless things, its not a back-stabbing 'she's does this, she's a flirt, she's a theft' kind of thing

obviously they came clean pretty quick, and merely involving you, i think you should learn to give people 'benefits of doubt' and dont get so paranoid. it is a NORMAL kind of talking, it doesnt sound like gossip mongers , ok it is different if you just broken up with a husband, and say they talked about why's like 'oh her husband cheat on her with 3 other women' fairly neutral to bad, depending, but it get bad when they talk like "oh he left her cuz she is a useless fuck or a slut, when none of it is true or talking about sex lives, it really much more private...

but from you were saying, i think you may be over reacting...

deaf community /church community are smaller and tend to be tighter, that is when it is tighter, they tend to TALK TALK, like almost no escape from rumours, or chit chats but they are expected...

what you choose want no talk and NO freinds, you can't have friends and expect people Not to talk about you, as they talk about each other!!, but there are 'lines' drawn when good gossip becomes bad, and they are such thing as a one or 2 bad apples (persons) who does get their kicks (enjoys) starting hurting rumours...

so just get this, not all rubbarb rubbarb talks is going to be actual rumours, just social talking.

Huh? You are not making any sense... I meant to say that this new friend and I emailed each other a few times and then, she told her friends I said this or that behind my back. One came up and say hello and asked me how I am. So, you know the rest of story. She knew it before me because she said to me, "yeah, she told me that." I can't believe what I was hearing. I don't understand why she asked me this question, even though she already knew. I was so pissed off. Yesterday, I went to the Planet Fitness to let off steam at the end of the day, while fit, than whacking my fists into the boxing punch bag... I feel so much better and keep my chin up, to screw this person. Grummer, I am not giving up going to church. I am still going. I can make new friends there. I already have a few hearing friends there. You said things are garbage. I am not that kind of person to argue with you or anyone else because I have had enough and also, because of my third (stressful) job (that I won't reveal), which is enough for me.
Get off my soap box...
Of course you are worthy! God don't make no junk...and Sosie...I love ur posts...and can relate to how you are feeling, been there too! I had a hard time making deaf friends too, because I was too oral....so I undy what ur saying....hoping tomorrow you'll be feeling better and forget all this....

Thanks, Rockin'Robin. I agree... I keep my chin up despite this person from church. She's worthless!!!
Oh, you love my posts. I think all my posts are boring. LOL... Thanks for the compliment.

I love your posts, too, especially "Jokes & Funny Stories" thread. It did crack me up. Keep up the good work, Rockin'Robin!!! *wink!*

I am sorry that you went through, too. Yeah, I guess we are in same boat. Well, anyway, I can see that you already have made a lot friends here, which is good. I am so happy for you. :)
Me, too, I was too oral and I didn't know any signs until I went to RIT years ago when I was 18 years old.

Any luck about the 4-poster bed?
Thanks again.
I learned my friend who is in the hospital was transferred last week to Shands Cancer Hospital in Gainesville. She has had CT scans, ultrasounds, MRI's, X-Rays and I'm not sure what else. Results are due tomorrow including the ones from a biopsy of her bone marrow. They are also having to send in a cardiologist since her heart is now being affected. Her platelets are still low and red blood cells are also low despite being given blood and platelets daily. It is not looking good, but her spirits are up right now. She is only 50 years old.

Oh, no.. I am so sorry to hear about your friend's illness. It sounds not good. My thoughts and prayers are with your friend.
My hearing friend is an ASL interpreter, she has cancer. She went to her Radiation/Chemo treatments for a couple of months, none worked for her and now, the cancer has spread to her whole body. I don't think she is expected to live that long. She is only 50 years old, too. *sigh*

Me? sweet person? I didn't think I am a sweet person. Well, thanks for the compliment. You, too, you are a great person!!!
Huh? You are not making any sense... I meant to say that this new friend and I emailed each other a few times and then, she told her friends I said this or that behind my back. One came up and say hello and asked me how I am. So, you know the rest of story. She knew it before me because she said to me, "yeah, she told me that." I can't believe what I was hearing. I don't understand why she asked me this question, even though she already knew. I was so pissed off. Yesterday, I went to the Planet Fitness to let off steam at the end of the day, while fit, than whacking my fists into the boxing punch bag... I feel so much better and keep my chin up, to screw this person. Grummer, I am not giving up going to church. I am still going. I can make new friends there. I already have a few hearing friends there. You said things are garbage. I am not that kind of person to argue with you or anyone else because I have had enough and also, because of my third (stressful) job (that I won't reveal), which is enough for me.
Get off my soap box...

This is regarding my friend:
This was the news from Wednesday.

We got some good news about Faith today. Bone marrow biopsy came back clean, no cancer and there is no sign of pure red cell aplasia, thank God! The damage to the heart is being caused by sleep apnea, there is a possibility it can be repaired. They are moving her to the liver unit at Shands tomorrow to concentrate on the damaged liver.

This is the news from Thursday.

They are doing a Heart Catheterization tomorrow. The swelling is going down. The liver is being assessed now and the spleen will be assessed later.
I also learned that my brother is obviously beginning to have memory lapses. Long story, but ah well.
Thanks, Rockin'Robin. I agree... I keep my chin up despite this person from church. She's worthless!!!
Oh, you love my posts. I think all my posts are boring. LOL... Thanks for the compliment.

I love your posts, too, especially "Jokes & Funny Stories" thread. It did crack me up. Keep up the good work, Rockin'Robin!!! *wink!*

I am sorry that you went through, too. Yeah, I guess we are in same boat. Well, anyway, I can see that you already have made a lot friends here, which is good. I am so happy for you. :)
Me, too, I was too oral and I didn't know any signs until I went to RIT years ago when I was 18 years old.

Any luck about the 4-poster bed?
Thanks again.
No luck so far...still working on it (the bed)...have to get a new washing machine too! And just had a huge repair bill for my car...money comes and money goes! Glad ur feeling better.
I learned that teachers at a certain county here in Maryland can make over $100K a year. Wondering if I should apply to work in their deaf/hh program.
wow, thats disgusting Shel, are they actually school teachers *for Deaf?* if so, id be its oralism and also even if some signs, its still 'seen as a medical add-on to keep students learning' something's not right...

but again am I all wrong??
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