What did you learn today?

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I learned I have two extra assignments to complete for my Weds night class. Lovely.
'Missing! One summer. If found, please return to Canberra'

The best tweet I recieved this morning, and it is still RAINING - for 4 days straight!
tough to hard work! I learn it myself grow best hard work!
I learned today it may be an additional 4-6 weeks before I hear from the USDA in regards to my application. UGH. This is testing my patience for sure!
I need to breath relax and focus on yoga help better good idea!
I learned that my hubby still cannot take pain. He had to have another tetanus shot today. It had been 13 years since his last and he got scratched by a rusty nail at work. They are cleaning out things and part of it involves removing an old roof, that had the rusty nail.
I learned trying to set up online billing for utilities is a pain in the keister.
Wirelessly posted

I learned a few minutes ago that Sapphires are semi precious stones o___o
I just learned that there is an AD killer on the loose.
I am improve learn it hard work!! pretty sound! that is awesome!!!! :)
I learned that I still have not heard word from USDA.

I keep checking my inbox as well as my NORs.
I learned there are some people that continue to make false claims of research and when asked to back them up they run like little school girls instead of manning up and admitting they are wrong. Such a pity because it really does a dis-service to the deaf community that said people claim to speak for. Personally I will not hold the deaf community responsible for the cowardly actions of one individual.
I learned there are some people that continue to make false claims of research and when asked to back them up they run like little school girls instead of manning up and admitting they are wrong. Such a pity because it really does a dis-service to the deaf community that said people claim to speak for. Personally I will not hold the deaf community responsible for the cowardly actions of one individual.

??? Something going on in a thread I've missed?
??? Something going on in a thread I've missed?
just more of the same ole BS. I think from now forward I will refer to such individuals as assclowns. Yes, assclowns it is. Anybody making false claims of non existent research and not willing to back it up will be from here forth referred to by me, as an assclown. :rofl:
just more of the same ole BS. I think from now forward I will refer to such individuals as assclowns. Yes, assclowns it is. Anybody making false claims of non existent research and not willing to back it up will be from here forth referred to by me, as an assclown. :rofl:

Nevermind, I think I have found the thread and ass clown you are referring to. :lol:
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