What did you learn today?

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Wait! U mean that Steinhauer was just joking? :Oops: I took what he said literally?

:lol: I though you might have. I was thinking of telling you the proper method of catch was to seign them, but then I thought better.

Even I can only go so far. By the way, Swedish Fish taste waxy. Gummi bears are better.
What does one do about something like that?

I didn't know Swedish fish were gummis but the mention of them was so random I knew there had to be a..............catch

(that was beneath me) :ugh:
:lol: I though you might have. I was thinking of telling you the proper method of catch was to seign them, but then I thought better.

Even I can only go so far. By the way, Swedish Fish taste waxy. Gummi bears are better.

Steinhauer!!!!!! Get over here!!!!! :lol:
Everyone is from royals. I know a few people who are on a line from Cleopatra I and Alexander the Great

HI FATTY BALDY!!!!! :wave: :lol:

How do they keep track of that far back? Proof?

And I dunno if I'm descended from the Chinese emperors or any other Asian royals. lol :P

HI FATTY BALDY!!!!!!!!!!! :giggle::giggle:

I learned today how fucked up my life can be. kthxbai LIFE
Hey sweetie, you have to stare adversity right in the face and grab life by the horns!

Keep that chin up!


Thanks, steinny :) I'll keep that in mind...but it's still fucked up anyway.
HI FATTY BALDY!!!!! :wave: :lol:

How do they keep track of that far back? Proof?

And I dunno if I'm descended from the Chinese emperors or any other Asian royals. lol :P

HI FATTY BALDY!!!!!!!!!!! :giggle::giggle:

I learned today how fucked up my life can be. kthxbai LIFE

You're probably from ghengis khan... :shock:

how they track that far back? I dunno
I learned that my ex-hubby will fight me for everything in court. *sighs*
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