What did you learn today?

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had no idea about beer being able to be aged for such a length of time, i thought it was only spirits, like rum or whisky..but .. beer !! wow this is something that id bet most people (including emyself til now) dont know about, thanks for crass commerialisation of cheap sludge in aluminium cans
i learned today how fucked up my life is......FML

Hey sweetie, you have to stare adversity right in the face and grab life by the horns!

Keep that chin up!

I learned that using gummi bears as bait won't help me catch swedish fish :mad:
Wirelessly posted

I learn that no artists should argue with critics. =)

I love critics! :D
I learned how much I missed the 1980s movies. :( At this moment I am watching Pretty In Pink on TV.
I learned that I come from the royal family. I am a descendant of King Donald III. He was the last person of the king after the Edmund I became the king and passed down through the family. As you know, the current queen is Elizabeth. I thought it's funny that we're related.
I learned that I come from the royal family. I am a descendant of King Donald III. He was the last person of the king after the Edmund I became the king and passed down through the family. As you know, the current queen is Elizabeth. I thought it's funny that we're related.

Everyone is from royals. I know a few people who are on a line from Cleopatra I and Alexander the Great
I learned the day is mine!! MIL has cancelled her hair appointment for the day.
I learned a scammer is impersonating me on fb. :mad:

Sucks. I quit because every time some woman got mad at me, she would bad mouth me on Facebook to try to turn my friends and family against me.

That got old.
Sucks. I quit because every time some woman got mad at me, she would bad mouth me on Facebook to try to turn my friends and family against me.

That got old.

Someone is impersonating me on a couple of dating websites. Seriously. I was alerted to it last month.
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