What did you learn today?

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I learned that AD has now deprived 2 villages of it's rightful idiots after reading the Feb 14th thread that got locked ... SMH what a buffoon ...
There are way too many plans on the health exchange to choose from. Oh my head.
I learned ghat a certain someone might get another thread closed. Not nice.
Mod note:

Let's move on please.
mice can sneak into house make nest in tumble drier...the dryer got to go i cremated mice
I learned that the internet has it's ups and downs. The down part is job hunting. I miss the old days of job hunting where the company you are interested in gives you paper application for you to fill out by hand. I think that created less competition. I've had no trouble getting jobs that way. Now, it's all online and the competition is fierce.
That house hunting can be so fun but frustrating at the same time.
I learned that the internet has it's ups and downs. The down part is job hunting. I miss the old days of job hunting where the company you are interested in gives you paper application for you to fill out by hand. I think that created less competition. I've had no trouble getting jobs that way. Now, it's all online and the competition is fierce.

I know how you feel. I am actually in favor of filling applications online. It would be a pain to fill out a paper application each time you wanted to apply! Not to mention, this would save trees!! Applying online makes it all too convenient. Also, most, if not all, companies prefer to collect applications online in which the information is saved on a server. This will make it less prone to losing applications.

Not to be nosy, but which websites have you been using to search for jobs?
Just amazing one can experience two different climates across state lines!
I learned given the right breeze wind will come up into my living-room from the basement through the floor boards brrr brrr
Hmm...nit sure how to explain it...people judge you for something you didn't have control over? Not sure how else to put it. Things you would not think you would be criticized for are once that people focus on?
Hmm...nit sure how to explain it...people judge you for something you didn't have control over? Not sure how else to put it. Things you would not think you would be criticized for are once that people focus on?

I understand, now. I was in a similar situation 3 months ago. I learned that just because people are doing something nice at the moment doesn't mean they won't turn around and do something cruel. :thumbd:


What we really need at times like this, is more people like Jimmy Durante.
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