What did you learn today?

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The marriage counselor told me that I need to stop being polite to everyone, especially when I don't want to. I need to practice telling people to go f*ck themselves more often.

Who shall I start with....:hmm:
The marriage counselor told me that I need to stop being polite to everyone, especially when I don't want to. I need to practice telling people to go f*ck themselves more often.

Who shall I start with....:hmm:

This sounds like an awsome counsilor. IllJust hope things going well for you.
I learned that I can sleep for 24 hours straight.... and I definitely needed it.... :shock: :lol:
The marriage counselor told me that I need to stop being polite to everyone, especially when I don't want to. I need to practice telling people to go f*ck themselves more often.

Who shall I start with....:hmm:

I can tell you from personal experience that you can find yourself with a wide range of new employment opportunities... smiles...

I grew up in a place and time surrounded by veterans of three wars. I learned very young that men went straight into bullets, bombs, Hell on earth, so that I could be a free man. I refuse to piss on their graves by taking bs from anybody.
It is an equal opportunity gift they gave us. But... you do pay a price.
I learned to not send my fiance to the pet store and buy medication for my fish. The stupid giy working at pet store gave him the wrong medication. Now my fish are dying. Now im so fifnfuanfkgntjshbrfihabf......sorry...
The marriage counselor told me that I need to stop being polite to everyone, especially when I don't want to. I need to practice telling people to go f*ck themselves more often.

Who shall I start with....:hmm:

NOT the wife! :)
I learned that South Africa Deaf Community is going to have a more active role from now on.
There is an astounding number of Americans with little to no understanding of what the our Right to Free Speech is all about.
Whatchu talkin bout Willis??

That it's protection from our government stopping us from speaking out, or jailing or executing us for what we say. It's not protection from the public, your boss, your friends or neighbors.

The government, not the people, and especially not your boss ;)

Duck dynasty it's freaking ALL over my news feeds, but you just know none of the people squeaking about his rights were upset a few weeks ago when Bashir Martin was exercising his free speech and list his job. Nooooooooooo

No seriously the only way his right to free speech could violated is if he was sitting in a jail cell right now. I had no idea sooooooooo many people don't understand it.
Attempted censorship ... I saw all the stuff on duck Dynasty and Phil ... it's just UGH ... there's been at least 1 FB page created over it too that I know of ...

note: I said ATTEMPTED
Attempted censorship ... I saw all the stuff on duck Dynasty and Phil ... it's just UGH ... there's been at least 1 FB page created over it too that I know of ...

note: I said ATTEMPTED

Are you talking about the page Hannity supposedly made and fb "blocked" it? He's lying, stirring the pot. Think about it, I've seen at least 5 different pages for getting Phil back today, fb wouldn't stop it, just they didn't stop all the others.

It's not attempted censorship either it was breach of his contract. But I don't even want to get into that. I was just really surprised that so many people think freedom of speech is pretty much carte Blanche to say whatever you want without repercussions, when it's really protection from the government stopping you.
I heard what this guy said, in all seriousness how many gay people out there watch friggin Duck Dynasty?! Maybe one, and I bet they're pi**ed! :roll: I'm gay, but if he doesn't like gay people, he's entitled to his opinion. He has the right to say it, just like I have the right to call them back hill inbred rednecks. Freedom of speech. I didn't take offense to what he said, that's his opinion and doesn't reflect everyone else's. What drives me crazy is that people's opinions are what this whole gay rights marriage thing is about. This whole debate is over because it's against certain people's beliefs. If you don't support gay marriage, don't marry a gay person... otherwise you can keep your beliefs and stop shoving it onto others. Same with this guys opinion... if he doesn't want to like gay people, that's fine... I don't have to like him either. :P If it was a breach of his contract and that's why he was released, sucks for him for not reading closer... if he was let go simply because of stating his opinion, that's pretty messed up.
Are you talking about the page Hannity supposedly made and fb "blocked" it? He's lying, stirring the pot. Think about it, I've seen at least 5 different pages for getting Phil back today, fb wouldn't stop it, just they didn't stop all the others.

It's not attempted censorship either it was breach of his contract. But I don't even want to get into that. I was just really surprised that so many people think freedom of speech is pretty much carte Blanche to say whatever you want without repercussions, when it's really protection from the government stopping you.

Don't know about any blocked page but messaged you the link to the one I was referring to. It don't really matter to me anyways I don't even watch that show.
I heard what this guy said, in all seriousness how many gay people out there watch friggin Duck Dynasty?! Maybe one, and I bet they're pi**ed! :roll: I'm gay, but if he doesn't like gay people, he's entitled to his opinion. He has the right to say it, just like I have the right to call them back hill inbred rednecks. Freedom of speech. I didn't take offense to what he said, that's his opinion and doesn't reflect everyone else's. What drives me crazy is that people's opinions are what this whole gay rights marriage thing is about. This whole debate is over because it's against certain people's beliefs. If you don't support gay marriage, don't marry a gay person... otherwise you can keep your beliefs and stop shoving it onto others. Same with this guys opinion... if he doesn't want to like gay people, that's fine... I don't have to like him either. :P If it was a breach of his contract and that's why he was released, sucks for him for not reading closer... if he was let go simply because of stating his opinion, that's pretty messed up.

Think of it this way. If somebody circulated a memo at work saying what he said.....they couldn't be expecting to keep their job. His boss is A&E and they get to decide if their employees are representing them in a way they want, ANY boss does. Freedom of speech doesn't insure you get to your job if your boss feels you're misrepresenting them, it keeps you out of jail. That's what I meant by I had no idea so few people understand what freedom of speech really is.
I heard what this guy said, in all seriousness how many gay people out there watch friggin Duck Dynasty?! Maybe one, and I bet they're pi**ed! :roll: I'm gay, but if he doesn't like gay people, he's entitled to his opinion. He has the right to say it, just like I have the right to call them back hill inbred rednecks. Freedom of speech. I didn't take offense to what he said, that's his opinion and doesn't reflect everyone else's. What drives me crazy is that people's opinions are what this whole gay rights marriage thing is about. This whole debate is over because it's against certain people's beliefs. If you don't support gay marriage, don't marry a gay person... otherwise you can keep your beliefs and stop shoving it onto others. Same with this guys opinion... if he doesn't want to like gay people, that's fine... I don't have to like him either. :P If it was a breach of his contract and that's why he was released, sucks for him for not reading closer... if he was let go simply because of stating his opinion, that's pretty messed up.

To each their own ... I don't judge I don't care what someone is ... gay or straight or bi or white, yellow, black, or pink with purple polka dots ... I'm straight but do know a few gay peeps and get along with them fine if not better than some others ... I'm sure not all but the ones I know are themselves and don't put on a show or act a certain way for others ...

and by the way I do support gay marraige specially when both chicks are hot :naughty: LOL
Don't know about any blocked page but messaged you the link to the one I was referring to. It don't really matter to me anyways I don't even watch that show.

Me either, I'm not even saying he should be fired, I don't care either way. It's just the reaction of others, "but but but freedom of speech"........got me scratching my head and boggling at that masses
Me either, I'm not even saying he should be fired, I don't care either way. It's just the reaction of others, "but but but freedom of speech"........got me scratching my head and boggling at that masses

Sometimes people just jump on the bandwagon either way just to have a cause to gripe about ...
Think of it this way. If somebody circulated a memo at work saying what he said.....they couldn't be expecting to keep their job. His boss is A&E and they get to decide if their employees are representing them in a way they want, ANY boss does. Freedom of speech doesn't insure you get to your job if your boss feels you're misrepresenting them, it keeps you out of jail. That's what I meant by I had no idea so few people understand what freedom of speech really is.

Oh No I completely understand. I am simply stating people over-react to every little thing. I know if he's misrepresenting them that's a big no no. However, I believe everyone has their panties in a bunch over every little thing these days, that's all. :P
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