Struggling with drug addiction. Oh well.
What a nuisence, tell him, recovering IS possible, I been there and done that, not the jail bit but I had brushed the law, and luckily 'I knew the system' etc...but I can say this now, I have wised up takes time and it also takes a wanting that you'd be a MAN, with a focus and accepting reality in schemes of life, addiction isn't just a body or boredom thing, its the realization of that lure of 'got to be feeling OK' can be resisted and at same time, its not self-punishment, and don't be scare to move in to the 'unknown' feelings of 'what is next' when feeling in the hole...get USED to it, and let it slide..and then deal with doing a will to interest in other things, the minds plays tricks on itself..they are MILLIONS of other things to do that just getting a high....
in life, WE HAVE to have a LOW to know the difference...BUT its not that extreme and not that black and white...learn to appreciate the different shades of greys in feelings and will power and then you can beat it.
Addiction is not fate, it is just a challenge, a challenge that can be won. Keep that in your head!
tell him that
Cheer up
well it take me along time to learn all this, I didn't learn this in 1 day. its an accumulation of 25 years+ experiences with mind-altering substances and life's challenges itself...(and no, I'm not 25, much older...) in a word...what I'm sharing is what I can learned over time in reflection. Addiction is a long term thing, and it can be won against with long-term reflection also. You can think of that way too
(feel free to print this post, ts not copyrighted its just my blabbing about what I learned today )