What did you learn today? Part II

I learned that sometimes people are like a fish out of water. Not necessarily anything bad about that.

If I am a fish out of water, then I am a beached whale! :lol:
I learned my cat TinkerBell like Italian bread. She climbs into my lap while I have the bread and starts eating it. She won't stop climbing into my lap until it is gone. I only let her has 5-6 small little pieces that they don't even come up to a 5th of a slice. She will eat them, then go to the bathroom sink, turn on the water and drink. Then we have to turn the water off.
I learned that sometimes people are like a fish out of water. Not necessarily anything bad about that.

Agreed. Sometimes is creates a needed learning experience and makes the fish out of water a much better person.:cool2:
I learned my cat TinkerBell like Italian bread. She climbs into my lap while I have the bread and starts eating it. She won't stop climbing into my lap until it is gone. I only let her has 5-6 small little pieces that they don't even come up to a 5th of a slice. She will eat them, then go to the bathroom sink, turn on the water and drink. Then we have to turn the water off.

Is it only Italian bread she likes?
Is it only Italian bread she likes?

Haven't tried any others except rye and she will not eat that. I have some pumperknickle in the deep freeze so I may try that. I just don't want to make her sick.
Met a lady at this expo who thought my spirit was folded. Learned it is actually kinked! Who knew. :shrug: at least I am consistent
Learned there are different types of toning shoes not to mention styles.
Now I think I want to buy a pair or two. :)
Learned that my account has a mere $12 in it. Wonderful. If I knew I had so little, I might have watched my spending. I just never thought to check the balance. My job doesn't start until June, so I'm screwed for now. :|
Learned that my account has a mere $12 in it. Wonderful. If I knew I had so little, I might have watched my spending. I just never thought to check the balance. My job doesn't start until June, so I'm screwed for now. :|

Count your blessings. At least you did not overdraft it.
Count your blessings. At least you did not overdraft it.

I was pretty thankful. I had a little over $20, but I had to buy some groceries to bring over to a friend's house. I'm going to ask my parents for a little bit of leniency when it comes to paying them this month. *Fingers crossed*
Forgot that I learned yesterday we hit a new record high of 95F.
Wirelessly posted

Lanapoo,since it is such a sensitive subject for you and you don't want to see opinions other than your own then perhaps you shouldn't have posted about it . you cannot avoid people's opinions from both ends of the spectrum.
Yeah, it's really been a hot April here in Florida. And so many wild fires in St. Johns County.

We may hit 85 here this week for a day. That would be a record. I don't think record heat in SF i going to bother me much though.... :lol:
I learned that it is May 2nd and I'm running the heater and snuggled under my quilt like it's January again. Unbelievable. Usually this time of year everyone is running around in shorts and flip flops. Today I saw several people wearing jackets. I was shivering this morning on the way to work. We are expecting lows into the 30s tonight. :shock:
I learned that it is May 2nd and I'm running the heater and snuggled under my quilt like it's January again. Unbelievable. Usually this time of year everyone is running around in shorts and flip flops. Today I saw several people wearing jackets. I was shivering this morning on the way to work. We are expecting lows into the 30s tonight. :shock:

Same here and we planted our flowers and vegetables already, sadly. :wave:
I learned that it is May 2nd and I'm running the heater and snuggled under my quilt like it's January again. Unbelievable. Usually this time of year everyone is running around in shorts and flip flops. Today I saw several people wearing jackets. I was shivering this morning on the way to work. We are expecting lows into the 30s tonight. :shock:

And that weather is supposed to hit us tmw. We cant win???!!!
And that weather is supposed to hit us tmw. We cant win???!!!

I watched the weather this evening and in our 7-day forecast they are saying it could be back into the 80s later this week. I look forward to it. I have new flip flops that need breaking in!!!! :lol: