What did you learn today? Part II

not expecting a baby lol! it's something else.. TMI

botti lasagna fritters are lasagna pieces breaded with parmesan cheese, over alfredo sauce and topped with mariana sauce. very good
Learned that the dentist that I saw a few mintues ago will not see me unless I fill out a form and it will be at least two days before anyone sees me for my broken tooth.

I hate it when they should their 'you agree to pay it if the insurance doesn't' form crud on ya all the bloody time. It's gotten to the point they try to sneak in new fee's for profit. (Like if your late or don't show for appoints, they charge you $50 or $100.) That's so not right!

Plus, If I can get away with it, I'll cross that stuff out before signing it. There's nothing in the law that I'm aware of saying you can't change a contract like that. (Though they may get all jerky and insist they'll refuse to treat you if you refuse to sign their 'boiler plate' form.)
I would pick up a phone book and make some calls to another dentist. I am sure that plenty of dentist will be glad to see you right away for emergency situation.

That is what I did. I had a root canal job done this afternoon and I have a second appointment on Nov 2nd for a dental fitting for my new crown. My dentist told me that it's unusual for a tooth with no cavities or fillings to split in two so I dunno why my tooth split up. :dunno:
I hate it when they should their 'you agree to pay it if the insurance doesn't' form crud on ya all the bloody time. It's gotten to the point they try to sneak in new fee's for profit. (Like if your late or don't show for appoints, they charge you $50 or $100.) That's so not right!

Plus, If I can get away with it, I'll cross that stuff out before signing it. There's nothing in the law that I'm aware of saying you can't change a contract like that. (Though they may get all jerky and insist they'll refuse to treat you if you refuse to sign their 'boiler plate' form.)

I haven't filled out the form and I went to a different dentist.
The lady across the street came over with some news. Her son had taken time off work (FMLA) due to his wife's losing battle with cancer. She died 2-3 weeks ago and he has been working out the issues of cleaning up afterwards. He also has a 10 y/o daughter to help through this as well. Well, this neighbor goes over during the week (80 miles away) to stay and be there for the daughter and plans were that she would keep it up until this daughter could stay home alone until dad got home from work. He found out today, that they did not keep his position for him and he is out of work. He was a model employee for 15 years, driving a car carrier truck in state. Now, he has to find new work, and the area they live in, has nothing. He just paid off his house and property.
The lady across the street came over with some news. Her son had taken time off work (FMLA) due to his wife's losing battle with cancer. She died 2-3 weeks ago and he has been working out the issues of cleaning up afterwards. He also has a 10 y/o daughter to help through this as well. Well, this neighbor goes over during the week (80 miles away) to stay and be there for the daughter and plans were that she would keep it up until this daughter could stay home alone until dad got home from work. He found out today, that they did not keep his position for him and he is out of work. He was a model employee for 15 years, driving a car carrier truck in state. Now, he has to find new work, and the area they live in, has nothing. He just paid off his house and property.

I'm speechless at this.
that a woman my mom and i knew very well was arrested for running a prostitution ring at the 3 spas she owned. :shock:
I learned that this same neighbor whose daughter-in-law died, will be coming back on Friday with a van load of clothes for me. Seems this DIL and I are the same size and had 3 closets filled with clothing. Neighbor's son wants me to have the clothes as a thank you for all I have done for his daughter.
I'm up all night, with a sick kid. I've been crying constantly, so much that I've ruined my pillow, over my sisters, aunt, and cousin's deaths/illnesses plus dealing with family who insists on treating me like crap. I'm ruining my own pity party lol...

Fever is still 103...she often gets seizures with high fever so I have to monitor her closely. Poor kid.

You need a big :hug:. Hang in there, you've got lots of people here ready to support you!
work. Looking forward to going home. I will have to return my son's gear, helmet, pads, uniform and some practice uniform. He told me that he will not come back to football season next year. Thats OK! at least he made through the football season and I am proud of him. :) Basketball season is starting this weekend for both of my kids. HA!
that a woman my mom and i knew very well was arrested for running a prostitution ring at the 3 spas she owned. :shock:

Obviously, she was doing a good job of keeping that secret from you and you mother. Hopefully it doesn't shake you and mother up too much - it's pretty hard to not to feel betrayed when you discover someone you know has done something like that.
I just learned I have permanent sensorineural hearing loss. She said my L ear is profoundly damaged and my R ear is moderately damaged. I've yet to figure out why but I can probably find out on my own between googling and badgering my mom for information. I have never been told until today. Why my parents never shared this is beyond me. But at least I'm glad that I now know thanks to my audi whom has been good to me, even if her office workers are a bit kooky (but nice).

I wonder what it will be like as I age. I am sure I will lose a little bit every year.
Hello I am back alldeaf final Iam very happy whoot I am very final work busy I am reserach
buzzz my noise weird medication weird :lol:
an animal shelter near where i live has a 2 year old female jack russell but i doubt i can get it :(. i'm in love with JR's
I learned that 1kg of material can be converted into enough energy that will power up 1 million homes for a year.
I just learned I have permanent sensorineural hearing loss. She said my L ear is profoundly damaged and my R ear is moderately damaged. I've yet to figure out why but I can probably find out on my own between googling and badgering my mom for information. I have never been told until today. Why my parents never shared this is beyond me. But at least I'm glad that I now know thanks to my audi whom has been good to me, even if her office workers are a bit kooky (but nice).

I wonder what it will be like as I age. I am sure I will lose a little bit every year.

Your parents may have been simply being overprotective. Mine kept a lot of info from me "for my own protection", but I as with you, I found out on my own. In my case, it was a Mayo clinic Dr being very blunt with me while I was younger, explaining that I'll probably lose more of my hearing & vision as I age. My parents were not happy with that Dr for that. But I got the truth finally. Just remember, your parents probably meant well, even though you may disagree on the approach just like I did. Take care!
Well I'm not mad or upset about it because it doesn't change anything. I'm just glad that I now know. Maybe there will come a day where I won't hear anything at all. Maybe I will retain my HOH until old age. I will cross that bridge when I get there.