What did you learn today? Part II

I learned I missed some horror drama. Unbelievable is all I can say.
I just learned the doctors removed half of my dad's tongue, all of his lower teeth up to and including his incisors, dissected his neck on both sides to take out the lymph nodes and some of his inner jaw bone to make a margin of safety from tumor. All of these tested negative for tumor. He also got a trach and had skin blood vessels, nerves transfered from his arm to fill up the holes in his mouth. My mother says she feels encoraged. I'm thinking I will see him on Thurs.
I just learned the doctors removed half of my dad's tongue, all of his lower teeth up to and including his incisors, dissected his neck on both sides to take out the lymph nodes and some of his inner jaw bone to make a margin of safety from tumor. All of these tested negative for tumor. He also got a trach and had skin blood vessels, nerves transfered from his arm to fill up the holes in his mouth. My mother says she feels encoraged. I'm thinking I will see him on Thurs.

Good Gawd that sounds like a lot. I hope all goes well and that he begins the road to recovery. :hug:
I just learned the doctors removed half of my dad's tongue, all of his lower teeth up to and including his incisors, dissected his neck on both sides to take out the lymph nodes and some of his inner jaw bone to make a margin of safety from tumor. All of these tested negative for tumor. He also got a trach and had skin blood vessels, nerves transfered from his arm to fill up the holes in his mouth. My mother says she feels encoraged. I'm thinking I will see him on Thurs.

Good luck to your dad. I hope his recovery goes well.
I learned that hubby is healthier than originally thought. He had a check-up this morning and the doctor was pleased with everything. We do have referrals for a colonoscopy, a sleep study, a CT-scan for his heart (enlarged aorta) and blood work, but all in all he is healthy.
I learned that hubby is healthier than originally thought. He had a check-up this morning and the doctor was pleased with everything. We do have referrals for a colonoscopy, a sleep study, a CT-scan for his heart (enlarged aorta) and blood work, but all in all he is healthy.

Glad to hear that!
I just learned the doctors removed half of my dad's tongue, all of his lower teeth up to and including his incisors, dissected his neck on both sides to take out the lymph nodes and some of his inner jaw bone to make a margin of safety from tumor. All of these tested negative for tumor. He also got a trach and had skin blood vessels, nerves transfered from his arm to fill up the holes in his mouth. My mother says she feels encoraged. I'm thinking I will see him on Thurs.

Ouchie. How is he feeling? I hope he's got good drugs!
I just learned the doctors removed half of my dad's tongue, all of his lower teeth up to and including his incisors, dissected his neck on both sides to take out the lymph nodes and some of his inner jaw bone to make a margin of safety from tumor. All of these tested negative for tumor. He also got a trach and had skin blood vessels, nerves transfered from his arm to fill up the holes in his mouth. My mother says she feels encoraged. I'm thinking I will see him on Thurs.

hope hes feeling better with good medcines.