What did you learn today? Part II

That must be pretty distant since Washington didn't have any descendants.

I couldn't get your link to load.
George Washington, 1st President of the USA

Capt. Augustine Washington, Sr.
his father

Capt. Lawrence Washington
his father

Col. John Washington
his father

Reverend Lawrence Washington
his father

Margaret Washington
his mother

William Butler, Sir , of Tyes Hall
her father

Margaret Butler
his mother

John Sutton
her father

Joyce Sutton
his mother

Joyce Tiptoft
her mother

Alianore (the elder) Holland, Countess of March, Baroness Cherleton
her mother

Lady Margaret Holland, Duchess of Clarence
her sister

Joan Beaufort, Queen of Scots
her daughter

John Stewart, 1st Earl of Atholl
her son

Jean Stewart, Countess of Huntly
his daughter

Alexander Gordon of Strathavon
her son

Margaret Cuming
his daughter

James Cumming, The elder, of Cathkin
her son

Janet Munro
his daughter

Agnes Monroe (Munro)
her daughter

Andrew Monroe, I
her son

William Gent Monroe, I
his son

Andrew Monroe
his son

Spence Monroe
his son

James Monroe, 5th President of the USA
his son
Thank you.

Ouch! Those bone breaks can be sneaky. Sadly, when they are hidden like that they take longer to heal. I hope your niece has a good healing from the break.

I hope so, too.

Thank you. She's young and healthy so she will heal pretty quick (runs in the family lol). I think she's a bit happy that it happened NOW and not in the spring when she graduates!
My parents are genealogy lovers and have been researching their ancestors for years. My dad's case is pretty easy because the Catholic Church is very good at keeping their family and baptism records for very looooong time. They had their own DNA tested. My dad is 57% Native American along with North African, Italian/Greek, Spanish and a bit of Asian. My mom's 95% East European (East Prussia) and other 5% are Finnish and Russian.

Lots of people are related to US Presidents. My husband is one of them. If your family is from New England, then you're likely related to one of the US presidents. It's very common. If you're related to US President, then you're related to King Edward III.
I wish I could do a DNA test on my parents that would hard to do . Dad been dead almost 50 years and mom 8 years.
It's been more than two weeks and Dell still hasn't followed up on our fraud report. We still have their laptop because they won't send us the shipping label. I guess they're not in a hurry to get it back.
Three weeks since Hurricane Matthew and we're still waiting for the yard debris to be picked up. We learned today that it's not yet even scheduled.
Three weeks since Hurricane Matthew and we're still waiting for the yard debris to be picked up. We learned today that it's not yet even scheduled.
UGH! That stink Reba about the yard debris not being picked up yet and your city won't do anything about ? I guess you guys been keeping an eye on your credit card to make
sure you didn't get billed for the computer . Did Dell say why you haven't gotten the shipping label yet ? It never a dull a moment for you two !
UGH! That stink Reba about the yard debris not being picked up yet and your city won't do anything about ?
On our walk this afternoon, we noticed that the back area of our neighborhood is getting debris picked up, so maybe our area will be soon. There is hope! :D

I guess you guys been keeping an eye on your credit card to make
sure you didn't get billed for the computer. Did Dell say why you haven't gotten the shipping label yet ?
Yes, TCS is watching his account for any charges. Dell says nothing because they aren't answering our calls or emails. :mad:

It never a dull a moment for you two !
Well, I don't know about that; I guess as I get older I'm just less tolerant of aggravations. :lol:
On our walk this afternoon, we noticed that the back area of our neighborhood is getting debris picked up, so maybe our area will be soon. There is hope! :D

Yes, TCS is watching his account for any charges. Dell says nothing because they aren't answering our calls or emails. :mad:

Well, I don't know about that; I guess as I get older I'm just less tolerant of aggravations. :lol:
That has to be very frustrating Dell not getting back to you. Would it help to call a store that sell Dell computers and see if they can give you a shipping label ?
Now we know for sure the 'F' in FEMA doesn't stand for 'fast'! LOL!
I know what you mean about being less tolerant of aggravations as you get older! :) I hope you get your yard cleaned up before the holiday .
Would it help to call a store that sell Dell computers and see if they can give you a shipping label ?

Doubtful because most stores are not directly associated with Dell.. like Costco, Fry's, MicroCenter (good grief are they still around- they screwed up Creaky Dell...).

Other option is to see if you can get one printed from the Dell website but I don't know if you need the order # or not...?

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