What did you do today?

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Got laughed at and had someone draw on my face.
Wirelessly posted

Did zumba in the morning, later, got hit with the flu :( I was feeling yucky and now, relaxing and eating wheat saltine crackers with sparkling apple cider no 7 UP
Went to Cici's with a big family group and then watched a basketball game with my stepmother.
I when to look at some cats! We have a no kill shelter and I was in cat Heaven! There where all kind of cats! I am thinking of trying to train a cat to be a 'hearing' cat! I know the woman that run the shelter and she said I would not have to pay the whole adoption fee!
I walked 5.85 miles today.

Love to spend time outdoors.
Time to work out in my gym (lying down on my bench press, Zzzzz...)
Groceries and laundry. Also reading a book and watching DVD's of Stargate, Season 1.
Went to the gas station, bought a newspaper, and to a grocery store where one of my daughters discovered they sell 12 packs of Lime Crush Soda.
Changed the dressing on my leg, did some cleaning of the living room. Later today I'll clean up kitchen and do some meal planning for next week.
Took advantage of the blazing hot (48F) weather we've been having and grilled some wings on the Weber. Then, my friends and I watched Purdue beat the #2 Buckeyes in very convincing fashion. Now it's time to get some work done and digest all the food I ate. Boiler up!
Wirelessly posted

Still sick, relaxing in bed and the meds are my company.
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Wirelessly posted

Still sick, relaxing in bed and the meds are my company.

Get well soon! :hug:

Today I visited my grandmother and ate dinner at her house. Lawdy I ate so much I STILL feel like I am going to pop and that was 6+ hours ago. But damn her food was too good to pass over! It was chicken and rice, mashed potatoes, green beans, corn, biscuits, roast beef w/ gravy, deviled eggs, and peach cobbler for dessert. EVERY BIT OF IT WAS MADE FROM SCRATCH!! :shock:
Have had a quiet morning. Suffering from a major headache, but it is finally easing up.

Made breakfast, fell asleep on the couch while reading a magazine. Woke up, went to WalMart for something I forgot yesterday. Made lunch and here I am.

Other than that, did the usual, of getting hubby off and doing cat chores. Also, took a shower, washed hair and changed bedsheets.
Took advantage of the blazing hot (48F) weather we've been having and grilled some wings on the Weber. Then, my friends and I watched Purdue beat the #2 Buckeyes in very convincing fashion. Now it's time to get some work done and digest all the food I ate. Boiler up!

I watched that game yesterday.

What a great game!
Worked, but from home. Taking another snow day because we are in the middle of Blizzard Part II :shock:
Just got home with new $2000 Elliptical..good for my ass. Now I have to put it together.
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