What did you do today?

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I am pretty heavy on whao not easy crap I am very headache lots of project not easy! I knew
Started the process to see if I can afford to buy the house I'm in from my landlord. Am having a pre qualification done to see how big a mortgage I can handle.
Got pre-approved. Now to decide if I go for it (probably will). Am talking with a realtor (someone my husband worked with years ago) to find out what my next step is (since this is a Landlord to Tenant sale).

I think it's meant to be. God continues to work in mysterious ways.

I'm just coming out of bankruptcy so my credit report & credit score are good.

I remembered my husband's former co worker's name and was able to get him to help me. He referred me to their in-house mortgage people who did the pre-approval.

The loan officer happens to have on his website that he graduated from my high school (though probably 10 years after me).

The realtor also referred me to a lawyer who happens to have been my daughter's volleyball coach.

I'm feeling good about this. Hope I'm not being delusional.

Now to decide how much down-payment to make and still have a nice cushion in savings for emergencies. He did his calculations on only 3% down.
I slept in 'til 2:30pm. :) I woke up couple of times, but went right back to sleep. I dont do this everyday. :giggle:
I installed Windows 8 on a tablet. Quite interesting especially since I just heard about Windows 8 yesterday. Sure this is a developers preview (not even beta yet) so lots of things are going to change on it. Looks like they have a pretty good start.
Learned the expression: "Cats are smarter than dogs. You can't get eight cats to pull a sled through snow."
I am pretty lots of work project oh crap I am very interesting!
I installed Windows 8 on a tablet. Quite interesting especially since I just heard about Windows 8 yesterday. Sure this is a developers preview (not even beta yet) so lots of things are going to change on it. Looks like they have a pretty good start.

I want see it!
Went to 5th grade open house. Working on scheduling college vists for other kid. Lots of laundry!
I am inspector high php code html I am pretty slow I thinks o find out reason I will search complication Hard work :D
Yesterday I was Mickey Mouse. Today I looked groovy in my 70's disco dress, sporting a lime green wide belt. Tomorrow I will wear a baby bonnet and diapers to work.

Fun. :P
Just another challenging day at work. Got a challenging class this year. Never been faced with those kinds of challenges so I am constantly creating different ways for classroom management and it is soooooo tiring!
What did I do today?
I tried to find you, and found that you posted to here today...thank God- a chance to make contact with you.
I need your help.
I need deaf help from all would hold faith in Christ like myself.
Will you reply?

"I am inspector high php code html I am pretty slow I thinks o find out reason I will search complication Hard work :D"
I know I am new...but I desperately need you help.
I think you have skills that will resolve many challenges I'm facing right now.
What did I do today?
I tried to find you, and found that you posted to here today...thank God- a chance to make contact with you.
I need your help.
I need deaf help from all would hold faith in Christ like myself.
Will you reply?

"I am inspector high php code html I am pretty slow I thinks o find out reason I will search complication Hard work :D"
I know I am new...but I desperately need you help.
I think you have skills that will resolve many challenges I'm facing right now.

Thank reply! I do pretty lots of hard work because I am very faithful worth busy focus on otherwise on pretty hard work code html and heavy on skills!

you are religion
I am christian :)
You do work a lot with PHP HTML?
I am too working on a project and PHP is like a nightmare for me right now
Can we talk private?
I visit your profile but couldn't figure out how to message with you
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