What did you do today?

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oh no, Kristina, how are you now?
guess you be doing better since you went on some errands

Doing fine now. Still a little weak, but trying to stay cooled off and drinking twice the amount than normal. Hubby called doctor's emergency line to tell him what happened. Doc advised me to up my fluid intake and if the rest of the weekend did not go well, then I am to report to the ER quickly. Instead of 64-70 ounces of fluid, I am now drinking closer to 120 ounces. All water and tea has lemon juice in it. I hate Gatorade and the sports drinks and get sick from them anyway. I need to eat, but not as much. I can have fruit juices, but watered down only.
wow, well hydrate away! hope the rest of your weekend goes better!:hug:
maybe you could relax with us at the Party?
ta, yeah its a crappy feeling, i been trying to read two chapters all day, only barely got to finished one. its freaken hard to read though, like its 'history of thoughts of death and religion' hard to digest BUT it is so damn interesting which is odd to read so slow then again i had to stop and think, then sniffle and blow the hankerchief for the next page to read..
and over again...

Slow down and take care of yourself. It is okay just to rest for a couple of days.
Beat the rain to the swimming pool. Smile- stopped while swimming-multitasking important topic. Enough rain for the day.

Implanted A B Harmony activated Aug/07
Beat the rain to the swimming pool. Smile- stopped while swimming-multitasking important topic. Enough rain for the day.

Implanted A B Harmony activated Aug/07
So far I have been out to McDonalds, started baking a cake, and ordered some winter clothes.

Now just waiting for summer to end.
Did the usual morning crap, went to deaf church. On the way, had to stop for 4 different accidents. On the way home, had to stop for an additional 5 accidents. Mother treated us to lunch at McD's and I got our sermon notes updated on FB with the church's group page. Still have to go grocery shopping. So not wanting to do that.
Had a Bloody Mary this morning. Then took a long, luxurious bath. Started making homemade pizza. Waiting for the oven to heat up, then it goes right in. Yum. All with homemade sauce, garlic (crushed), cut-up onions, cheese, and toppings. I made this a few days ago and it was awesome, so I got delegated into doing it again! :)
I love to do homemade pizzas. Especially on kick back Sunday.
And, same as last time, it's all on french bread slices. YUMMY !!
Gluten free chocolate cake made with Coca Cola works well. It seems to make the edges a little crisp and sugary.
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