What did you do today?

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I think so bookmark reason lots of search more update!!!
at work until 3 and I promised my daughter I would take her to the outlets for more shopping but problem is that I am so tired.
at work until 3 and I promised my daughter I would take her to the outlets for more shopping but problem is that I am so tired.

Just tell your daughter that you need to take a nap in the wheel shopping cart for a while. Smile.
Just tell your daughter that you need to take a nap in the wheel shopping cart for a while. Smile.

I might take a short nap when I get home or just wait until tmw.
So far today, I have read a book, explained things to the guys redoing MIL's sprinkler system, taken MIL to hairdresser early, had a short P3 call from SallyLou, taken hubby to find out where this next school is for him, and now I am back. Will be up soon to fix dinner, then may have another P3 call from SallyLou later.
Went to work, then came home, then went to eat out with the family only to get criticized by my dad in front of one of my mom's old friends. He took a hard glare at me and said 'I'm still trying to get this one raised!' Ugh. What the crap?!?! I have a headache and I feel all out of sorts. Am I being too sensitive over this?
No. That was an exceptionally nasty thing to say, be it in public or private.

It's not the kind of thing you can give a smart-ass answer to either, because then you're just descending to his level.
Yesterday, I tool my daughter shooping for school clothes and supplies. After that, I went jogging to get some exercise in before going out dancing with friends for one girl's birthday. She kept saying she feels old at 24 and I was like "oh pluuuuueezzzz!" I will be 40 on my next birthday and I am NOT looking forward to that milestone. Uuugghhh

Now this, I don't understand. Would you rather not make it? :hmm:

Both my grandfathers were dead by age 43, my dad died aged 43, my brother died age 43. The year I was 43, I felt vaguely uneasy all year until I celebrated my 44th birthday. Yay, made it!! Since then, I have richly celebrated each and every birthday that comes along. I hope they keep coming for a long, long time yet.

Did you happen to see the article in the news about Joe Paterno the other day? He is 84, still coaching at Penn State, and says he sees "a long future" there. Now that's a guy with a dynamite attitude toward his age!

And to stay on topic - what I did today: swam one mile! Feels so good; I love that stretched-out, pleasantly tired feeling afterwards.
Went to work, then came home, then went to eat out with the family only to get criticized by my dad in front of one of my mom's old friends. He took a hard glare at me and said 'I'm still trying to get this one raised!' Ugh. What the crap?!?! I have a headache and I feel all out of sorts. Am I being too sensitive over this?

Perhaps not....think ur Dad just wanted some "praise" or something from the family & friends...or just spouting off his authority....Parents and older people can be hurtful sometimes....some feel "entitled" to state their opinion and not get any negative or angry feedback. Since you were at a family gathering, I would have let it go...and wait until the right time to discuss with him how you felt when he said this....

Then again, seems you & ur father have been at odds for a long time...still too many issues for you to deal with. And since ur still living with him...then for ur own peace of mind and emotional well-being...you'll need to let it go and believe that whatever negative things ur Father says, let it go, let it roll off of you....I would look for the special times with my Father, when I could just hug him for no special reason....perhaps that's what he needs from you?....Let him know you Love him regardless...it's hard to do, I know....Elderly parents can be difficult to deal with.
Just got back from a short ride in the A/C'd car. House is not any cooler with the sun having gone down. Won't cool down till about 3-4 am. Drove by the beach again. Opened windows and it was so hot and humid there as well so we went back to A/C. Last night was great with the windows open along the beach.
Yesterday, I tool my daughter shooping for school clothes and supplies. After that, I went jogging to get some exercise in before going out dancing with friends for one girl's birthday. She kept saying she feels old at 24 and I was like "oh pluuuuueezzzz!" I will be 40 on my next birthday and I am NOT looking forward to that milestone. Uuugghhh

Here's a dubious welcome to the 40s club. I will be 45 in two months.
Here's a dubious welcome to the 40s club. I will be 45 in two months.

I just returned to running yesterday b ecause I gained 10 lbs over the summer. Age is killing me here! Cant take a break! :mad:
Now this, I don't understand. Would you rather not make it? :hmm:

Both my grandfathers were dead by age 43, my dad died aged 43, my brother died age 43. The year I was 43, I felt vaguely uneasy all year until I celebrated my 44th birthday. Yay, made it!! Since then, I have richly celebrated each and every birthday that comes along. I hope they keep coming for a long, long time yet.

Did you happen to see the article in the news about Joe Paterno the other day? He is 84, still coaching at Penn State, and says he sees "a long future" there. Now that's a guy with a dynamite attitude toward his age!

And to stay on topic - what I did today: swam one mile! Feels so good; I love that stretched-out, pleasantly tired feeling afterwards.

Yea, you are right.

Just cant believe I am hitting 40 next month. It just feels so unreal. I think what I really meant that I do not like time going by so fast.

Yes, I hope to live a long and healthy life...just dont want it to flyyyyyy at an alarming speed.
Yea, you are right.

Just cant believe I am hitting 40 next month. It just feels so unreal. I think what I really meant that I do not like time going by so fast.

Yes, I hope to live a long and healthy life...just dont want it to flyyyyyy at an alarming speed.

Nor do I. I feel like I wasted a lot of my years.
Yea, you are right.

Just cant believe I am hitting 40 next month. It just feels so unreal. I think what I really meant that I do not like time going by so fast.

Yes, I hope to live a long and healthy life...just dont want it to flyyyyyy at an alarming speed.

And it keeps getting faster, too!!

One of my goals is to be more mindful of how I'm spending my time. I'm not altogether successful yet - still spend too much time on-line doing various things - but I find I accomplish much more when I outline what I want to do for the day, the week, the month, and then make sure to do all those things that add up to whatever the goal is.
After work, I took a short nap and then cleaned the house since it was a mess. I HAVE to have a clean house before I leave to go anywhere. Took the kids to Queenstown Outlets across the Chesapeake Bay. My daughter took pics of us driving over the Bay bridge...beautiful views of the bay.
Sincerely, I believe the "40's" are the best years of ur life....they were for me....I do agree that time goes by so fast...or maybe I've slowed down and mellowed?....Living by the water has helped my depression so much, and I love where I live.
Loving where you live makes such a huge, huge difference.

My mom always said her 50s were her favorite decade. She was a widow all during her 40s, raising 4 kids. Those were tough, tough years. We had fun too, of course, but still - tough times.

Then she remarried at age 51 (to a younger man!! Gasp!!!). By that time my brother was in college, I had just graduated from h.s., my sisters were in their last years of h.s. Mom said that she could look at us and feel "Whew, they're turning out all right, time to concentrate on myself now."

So in her 50's, she had a new marriage, they traveled a lot, had some fun times, and we kids were mostly out of the house and on our own, either in college or working, during her 50's.

Then in her 60's, my step-dad had a stroke and was paralyzed on one side, for the rest of his life (another 11 years). So that was a tough decade for her.

Made me appreciate whatever decade I'm in. So long as my husband and I are in good health and not financially stressed, everything else is golden.
Today I got married. My mom ruled the dance floor at the reception ;)
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