What did you do today?

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We went to Sam's Club and bought provisions for the month.

Ah yes, buying provisions.

Did you purchase a barrel of salt beef? Barter a few squirrel pellets for some pemmican? I've got a buffalo hide to trade. Looking for a bushel of chestnuts. :)
Had a hands on CPR test today! Which consisted of rescuing "Bob" via abdominal thrust and CPR. Beating a choky baby and thrust, then doing infant CPR. This is my fifth time getting recertified.

Way to Go! I have to renew my ACLS in September but its no sweat, just exam and skills.
Ah yes, buying provisions.

Did you purchase a barrel of salt beef? Barter a few squirrel pellets for some pemmican? I've got a buffalo hide to trade. Looking for a bushel of chestnuts. :)

I gather this doesn't fit your concept of modern English? Sorry to disillusion you G-Man, but I got packaged trail mix, soft bread rolls, bacon, tomatoes, low fat Swiss cheese.

My husband got a giant bag of walnuts.

And we bought healthy dog snacks.

Pemmican, is beef jerky? We didn't get any of that. :(
I am so proud of myself, because we took several boxes of things to "The Back Porch" (a Goodwill sort of place), another load of old towels to the animal shelter, and to the "Restore" place (a Habitat for Humanity outfit), went some towel rods and other things we removed when we did some major renovations to our house over the winter. I am resolved to have only those things in my house that I "know to be useful or believe to be beautiful." Over the last couple weeks we have made very significant progress toward that goal. It feels SO good to get this excess out of the house and on to someplace where it might do someone else some good.
Well I had to finally decide which phone/pager I was going to get before may 31st and TMobile cuts the service to my Sidekick LX...Can you imagine this..I can not even remember my home address at times and this sales person is giving me all kinds of info and handing me phones ....I had to decide between the new SideKick G4 and the Sprint HTC Evo Shift...UGH..no idea thought I knew what I wanted but MMMM I went with the HTC Evo Shift because if I order it on line I can get it shipped to me in 4 days and then take it to the store and they will set it up for me since I do not want all the apps at once...I need to go slow to remember what I am doing...anyway what finally got me was the speech to text worked on the Evo but the girl at Tmobile never got it working...and if I order on line I get the sprint unlimited special of $39.99 per month.YAY... so it's done. Midnight..♥♥♥ Peace to everyone but now I need to rest my head :cool2:

FYI..the SK 4G has a very very tiny screen while the HTC Evo has a much larger screen. Up to you.
Worked today after calling in sick yesterday. It was hard to get myself motivated with teaching but once I got into it, the day went by fast. Went running at the gym and then to my son's tball game. Left at 6:20 AM and got home at 7:45 PM. LONG day!
I went to work, went to my DD's softball game (we lost our first game this season), took her out to eat at a Mexican restaurant, and then came home and helped her do homework. Gave her a bath and put her to bed. I got on iTunes, downloaded a song I've been trying to find for ages, downloaded a couple of new apps, including the Nike Training Club app to help me get in better shape. I'm looking to lose a few more pounds and tone up a bit. We will see how this goes.
played with dogs in the yard, went to work out, got bottled water for hubby's C-PAP machine, making dinner for later...may go see how my mom is doing soon-

do you have air conditioning, Bott?
We went to the garden store and bought petunias. Two newer varieties. Picasso, which is purple with green edging, and Phantom, which is a black petunia with green stripes.
Well I had to finally decide which phone/pager I was going to get before may 31st and TMobile cuts the service to my Sidekick LX...Can you imagine this..I can not even remember my home address at times and this sales person is giving me all kinds of info and handing me phones ....I had to decide between the new SideKick G4 and the Sprint HTC Evo Shift...UGH..no idea thought I knew what I wanted but MMMM I went with the HTC Evo Shift because if I order it on line I can get it shipped to me in 4 days and then take it to the store and they will set it up for me since I do not want all the apps at once...I need to go slow to remember what I am doing...anyway what finally got me was the speech to text worked on the Evo but the girl at Tmobile never got it working...and if I order on line I get the sprint unlimited special of $39.99 per month.YAY... so it's done. Midnight..♥♥♥ Peace to everyone but now I need to rest my head :cool2:

I was a sidekick user for 8 years!!! god. I had to end the relationship with sidekick!! LOL I finally got a htc evo shift. It's a cool device.
played with dogs in the yard, went to work out, got bottled water for hubby's C-PAP machine, making dinner for later...may go see how my mom is doing soon-

do you have air conditioning, Bott?

We have a window air conditioner, and my husband put it in yesterday, so it didn't really cool enough. It takes some time running to have an effect.
I reset MIL's A/C and it's finally beginning to cool off the house. We also went to 3 libraries and visited MIL at the nursing home. Now, I am chilling for the rest of the day. In too much pain for much else. Tylenol is not helping and I haven't seen the other doctors to see if they can help.
I went to my poderist and had my ingrown toe nail removed. It was dead so there was no pain for me.
I reset MIL's A/C and it's finally beginning to cool off the house. We also went to 3 libraries and visited MIL at the nursing home. Now, I am chilling for the rest of the day. In too much pain for much else. Tylenol is not helping and I haven't seen the other doctors to see if they can help.

I'm sorry to hear that. What is hurting? I'm in pain myself so I'm going upstairs to lie down cuz my back is hurting like hell.
I'm sorry to hear that. What is hurting? I'm in pain myself so I'm going upstairs to lie down cuz my back is hurting like hell.

Everything is hurting. It's my fibromyalgia acting up big time and on top, I have a massive headache. Ah well, life must go on. Will take a hot shower soon.
She's diabetic. You have to be very careful with your feet when you're a diabetic.

To avoid ingrown toenails, the best way to do it is to cut the nails straight instead of in a curve. Although you have to make sure that it's not shorter than the flesh around it.
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