What did you do today?

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what a great day. finished lot of stuff at work. went to NJ-DPHH. then Lebanese restaurant. then NYC. then here I am.

Geez, you missed me. I arrived at The Orange Lantern later that night. I had a blast time. You missed the wild action. Tsk tsk!
Wirelessly posted

Spent the vast majority of the day working on a literature review for my research methods class. Funny, I submitted it around 1:15 am and my professor replied around 1:45 am with my grade. Wasn't expecting turnaround that fast.

Anyway, then my friend and sister made an impromptu weekend visit so yay! Today I'm going into the city so that should be fun... Finally a little reprieve from work. :)
So far, since it's only 9:45 a.m., I've been watching the neighbor's (across the street) furniture get thrown out. It's a funny sight. They packed up and left after it foreclosed, I guess they took nothing with them except the kids.
Did my math homework while I was doing it, I had to read through the pages to understand the assignment. It took me 1 hour 34 minutes to finish my homework with confidence and then took a timed 12 minute math quiz online (open book) and geeze... thought I'd answers the question with ease, but instead I was panic flipping through the pages that would give me a "hint" to the multiple choiced questions.

Done with math class until next week. Gives me a lot of stress not to do the homework and just to get started on it. I always wait till the last minute to do my classwork, but today, I decided to do it early, so I can relax and not think about it as it's over for now.

I feel good now... :)
Wirelessly posted

I went to do my regular morning zumba class.
Went to Office Depot, Publix and the Jewish Bakery. Watched a movie at home. Wished I could take a nap. Also, took MIL to the hair-dresser. Still want a nap, but will wait for bed tonight and hope I sleep.
Went to Office Depot, Publix and the Jewish Bakery. Watched a movie at home. Wished I could take a nap. Also, took MIL to the hair-dresser. Still want a nap, but will wait for bed tonight and hope I sleep.

Jewish bakery? :hmm: Sounds interesting to check out.
Jewish bakery? :hmm: Sounds interesting to check out.

We have a large Jewish community here and there are quite a few Jewish bakeries as well. I go since I have been short on time to bake my own bread and all breads from there are dairy-free.
We have a large Jewish community here and there are quite a few Jewish bakeries as well. I go since I have been short on time to bake my own bread and all breads from there are dairy-free.

That's awesome! :)
We have a large Jewish community here and there are quite a few Jewish bakeries as well. I go since I have been short on time to bake my own bread and all breads from there are dairy-free.

So you are certain it is pareve?
I get an ingredient list with each loaf on request and see the rabbi in once a week as well for whatever it is he does.

He certifies it Kosher. But Kosher does not always mean non dairy for bread.

If it is pareve, you are safe.
Lifted weights, gave blood, shopped for cars, bought groceries at whole foods, hung out at the beach and ate the 3rd best sandwich in the US (lobster roll at Sam's chowder house) according to the today show. Now beer and baseball at Hooter's
Lifted weights, gave blood, shopped for cars, bought groceries at whole foods, hung out at the beach and ate the 3rd best sandwich in the US (lobster roll at Sam's chowder house) according to the today show. Now beer and baseball at Hooter's

What a day. :shock:
pareve bread is icky :(

I went to the quilt shop today! <3 I spent $64. I hope this turns out well...
Lifted weights, gave blood, shopped for cars, bought groceries at whole foods, hung out at the beach and ate the 3rd best sandwich in the US (lobster roll at Sam's chowder house) according to the today show. Now beer and baseball at Hooter's

That reminds me that I need to donate blood or plasma soon.
Lifted weights, gave blood, shopped for cars, bought groceries at whole foods, hung out at the beach and ate the 3rd best sandwich in the US (lobster roll at Sam's chowder house) according to the today show. Now beer and baseball at Hooter's

What are the 1st and 2nd best sandwiches? I loooove sandwiches. Maybe I'll get one today while I'm in Baltimore :D
Yesterday I helped my brother get his van started. It was tricky work pinpointing the problem, and we wound up replacing the module in the distributor. Viola, it started! Today we are going to see our parents, a 90-minute drive. Dad is in the Alzheimer's wing and Mom is moving into a smaller room. She is giving us her flatscreen TV and new couch, since she never uses the living room due to her blindness. Gonna be a bittersweet day. :(
pareve bread is icky :(

Sorry you feel that way. I have been a bread connoisseur for quite a few years and have only recently had to change to dairy-free. I don't find that pareve bread tasty much different. Mainly it is replacing the milk and butter (if used). They are mainly water based breads and they are very good, toast well and make great bread crumbs if need be. I guess what I am saying is, sometimes, if you have to make a change, you learn to adapt to different tastes. I still have yet to find a cheese that I can eat without cringing though.:lol:
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