What did you do today? Part II

worked 16 hours today. Cant wait for my Ravens party at my house tmw. Busy weekend.
Let's see what did I do today?....umm.... bake some oatmeal scottie bars, took a nap to get rid of the nasty cough/cold and that's about it. It's nice to do nothing for a change and oh... finally came in AD.
now wake up, i feel better good :) soon go outside for run. i have fun enjoy wth friend dance lots!! it good work out :P
Getting my house ready for the Ravens party.
I had a "Pat yourself on the back" kind of morning at Deaf Church!! Now, as most of you know, I am trying hard to learn ASL. Well, I managed to have 3 separate conversations, full and complete, in ASL and they all were patient and helped me and understood what I was saying. Only made 2-3 mistakes. For me, that is extremely good. I usually get so nervous that I mess up on the 2nd or 3rd word in the sentence.
i figure out lots of pretty heavy! it is very complication!! sound look!! it is very advise! :)
I am redoing lessons and starting at the beginning at lifeprint.com.
Today I hung out with TheWriteAlex and Shel90! It was a team effort rooting for the Ravens but sadly the Ravens failed us. Now I have no idea who I am going to be rooting for in the Super Bowl.
Today I hung out with TheWriteAlex and Shel90! It was a team effort rooting for the Ravens but sadly the Ravens failed us. Now I have no idea who I am going to be rooting for in the Super Bowl.

yea, I had so much fun with everyone. Glad that you came. :)

Yea, that was a terrible loss. My friend who lives in Bostom who went to the game is really rubbing it in my face. I told him that I hated him and that I dont want to talk to him for a while. lol.
I have bloggers :P family I am poem :P i have lots of on my poem awesome impressive I have link!
Made a delicious turkey casserole. New recipe, made modifications, came out great.
My brothers and I went through stuff at my mom's house. She's finally getting ready to move out of the house I grew up in to a condo. Boy - she has kept a LOT of junk!!! But I got to take some things that belonged to my dad (he died over 20 years ago).

It also reminds me why I'm not a big fan of knick knacks.
Wirelessly posted

I went to church, visit my grandma and watched the NFL play offs
learned BF thinks I'm crazy to go thru all the trouble of starting a business. He's like why can't I just work for someone else? I told him I can't stand the idea f working for someone else.
yeah it is very cold serious!! crap I knew stupid! it is very

recently SK is very highly crazy -37 0.0!

you are serious! oh my god!

Negative 37? -37? now that is cold. :lol: Coldest weather for me was -28 back in 2008.
My brothers and I went through stuff at my mom's house. She's finally getting ready to move out of the house I grew up in to a condo. Boy - she has kept a LOT of junk!!! But I got to take some things that belonged to my dad (he died over 20 years ago).

It also reminds me why I'm not a big fan of knick knacks.

lol. This reminds me of the time my parents decided to move into a apt many years ago for a year. They were quite unrealistic about how much furniture you could stuff into an apt and they didn't want to part with any of the furniture either. They bought a house instead and put some furniture in storage and when they moved into the new log home, they had so much furniture that some of it was stored into the basement.

They finally parted with some of it last summer when they sold the loghome and some of it is in storage.