What did you do today? Part II

Took care of 3 sick cats. Kitty cold going around in my house. :( Wiped weepy eyes and gave eye meds.
Took a shower at 4 this morning because I couldn't sleep...ended up slipping on the wet floor, which made me slide across the bathroom, then I slammed the door with my toe...ouch. I locked the door so I could get up without someone opening it which would ram the door against my foot.

Bad sprain. I feel so stupid. Ow!!!!!!
Took a shower at 4 this morning because I couldn't sleep...ended up slipping on the wet floor, which made me slide across the bathroom, then I slammed the door with my toe...ouch. I locked the door so I could get up without someone opening it which would ram the door against my foot.

Bad sprain. I feel so stupid. Ow!!!!!!

:eek3: Sounds like something I would do. (So far I have not done it).
finished some school work *PHEW*.. taking a shower soon then going straight to bed.
I stayed in all day and wore my (Oakland) Raiders robe b/c house tempature is 65.
I woke up this morning (didn't want to). Drove to work in the rain really slowly... Attended two telephone meetings, the second of which our vender -an Indian man- was giving me instructions in broken English and my boss repeating everything he said (he he he this was actually funny). And a co-worker was ridding the venders ass for problems with the new production database. My boss was getting pissed with the co-worker (it was not his fault, he is helping us fix it). Then to top it off, ended the day with a series of emails from another team that sparked a crisis that ended when my boss told me to take care of the issue. I thought I was rather clever to end the crisis by explaining everyone's rolls and why this is a non-issue. My boss responded with a "Wow great response". The day ended with a very slow drive home in the rain. Passed one wreck where a car went off the road and hit a utility pole putting a vary bad bend in the pole. Oh, the day is not quite over yet... still more AD to read! :D
Went to class, came home and ordered pizza and am now watching Buffy and putting off homework :). Boyfriend's cochlear upgrade came in the mail today.......very confusing, he can't figure it out.
Fell down a short flight of stairs and got hurt fairly badly.
Took hubby to doctor for a check-up, then took him to fill out an application for a job offered to him from his apprenticeship program, then paid storage bill. Got home, took family out to lunch and back home. Came onto AD for a short time, then went to 2 libraries to drop off books (none checked out this week) and to drop off a bunch of letters to the Post Office (mail still being stolen out of mail boxes in our neighborhood), then off to Walmart for a few needed grocery items. Back home to surf the net, cook and eat dinner and back here again.

Tomorrow, I will being doing all kinds of paperwork and organization for a neighbor. Hopefully she doesn't forget. She has had a few mini-strokes (TIA's) and her memory is not good. She can't find her checkbook or bank statements.
Fell down a short flight of stairs and got hurt fairly badly.

Oh Gawd! I hope you are not seriously injured. Please rest and get better soon.

Also, I would send hugs, but I know you are a "touchy-feely" person, so just consider yourself hugged anyway.
Oh Gawd! I hope you are not seriously injured. Please rest and get better soon.

Also, I would send hugs, but I know you are a "touchy-feely" person, so just consider yourself hugged anyway.

bott, lay down and try to not move around too much.. will you see the doc??
bott, lay down and try to not move around too much.. will you see the doc??
Yes, did.
:eek3: Please tell me you got checked out, and I am curious as to how this happened.

I am just not very good at being blind yet. Somehow I missed my footing on the steps down to the driveway, and next I knew I was in a very odd position on the concrete drive.

So I am hobbling slowly , only in the house with two canes and assistance. Hopefully I will rebound quickly, but I remind myself I am getting old.
Yes, did.

I am just not very good at being blind yet. Somehow I missed my footing on the steps down to the driveway, and next I knew I was in a very odd position on the concrete drive.

So I am hobbling slowly , only in the house with two canes and assistance. Hopefully I will rebound quickly, but I remind myself I am getting old.

Ouch! I hope you will be on the mend soon! Hopefully surgery isn't required. Please be more careful, remember we have a meetup for us two scheduled sometime in the future! :P