What did you do today? Part II

Today we all went out for breakfast. Omelettes, toast, hash browns, and cinnamon rolls. Yummy Yummy. Tonight we are making a hospital visit to my honey's cousin.
I goweddingreceptiontoo heh why that notvspaces hmm? Weird.n so much alcohol at wedding,m then I walk home? Long walki sold cold now ok bye bye bed time nor

Sweet mother of god...I not remember come ad last night...WHERE FEATURE STOP DRUNK SUNNY POSTING?!?!?!? :lol:

Sounds like you had a great time.:angel:

Think so! My knee black and blue today...vague recall run around corner into metal stand thing...feel like tore kneecap off! Barely walk today. Lol.

:ty: need this today!!!
Today we all went out for breakfast. Omelettes, toast, hash browns, and cinnamon rolls. Yummy Yummy. Tonight we are making a hospital visit to my honey's cousin.

That sounds like a banging like a biscuit breakfast!
Ordered figs. Delivery is promised by Christmas Eve. I may make a figgy pudding.
Sunny, do you have a headache today? You crack me up!!!! I loved your drunk post. This site is so much nicer with some SUNSHINE!!! Day after we always say, never again, never again!!
got out to 3 different stores to look at computers. Of course, I went to Sam's Club first off, as they usually have some pretty decent computer bundle deals. Couldn't find a set up at Walmart and Best Buy that even compares to the one I want to get at Sams.
I relaxed some this morning doing Sudoku puzzles. Made a short quick run to Wally World. After lunch I had to take MIL, hubby and son out to the VA cemetery to leave a wreath in honor of father-in-law. He was a retired Sgt with the US Marine Corps and served in Korea. After that, we drove and saw Florida snow. Miles of it. Drove home and took some Tylenol hoping to relieve the pain in my leg. No go. Rested more with yet more Sudoku puzzles, fixed dinner and here I am.
Okay - ALERT!!! This will tire some people out just like it did me.

Let's see, after breakfast, we made a run to get gas, go to 2 libraries, the post office (Finally mailed my Christmas Cards), bank, GameStop and lunch at Arby's, then home. Then, I made out the grocery list and we went to: Goodwill to drop off 6 bags of stuff, farmer's market, Whole Foods, WalMart and Winn Dixie, then back home. Started out on the road at 9am and finished up at 6pm. I is one exhausted little (big) person.
Okay - ALERT!!! This will tire some people out just like it did me.

Let's see, after breakfast, we made a run to get gas, go to 2 libraries, the post office (Finally mailed my Christmas Cards), bank, GameStop and lunch at Arby's, then home. Then, I made out the grocery list and we went to: Goodwill to drop off 6 bags of stuff, farmer's market, Whole Foods, WalMart and Winn Dixie, then back home. Started out on the road at 9am and finished up at 6pm. I is one exhausted little (big) person.

Beating KristinaB here (just for fun)

I cant even type out all I did because it just made me too tired to think about it...

So worth :) thanks!

Here's a drunk sun for ya! :giggle:

Done with fighting the crowds at the Mall....everything wrapped and under the Tree....finally getting the Spirit of Christmas!....