What did you do today? Part II

We did, and we bought varieties of lentils that are hard to find, and chips and gluten free cookies that were on a good sale.

I thought most things were very overpriced, and I can find the same specialty foods , such as gluten free products ,much cheaper in my neighborhood stores.

So we will frequent it for the things not available elsewhere, but fortunately for me those are not high end items.

I was shoved by a heavy older woman who was riding in one of the stores electric carts. I was not in her way in the aisle at all. I was pretty upset, and my husband said he thinks some people just enjoy being mean if they see someone who looks more helpless than themselves.

I agree, they are a bit pricey. When my girls lived at home, that was their favorite grocery store. At least they ate pretty healthy:)
Sorry someone was mean to you. Some people just don't understand how their actions can really hurt someones feelings.:-(
Got up early and took my puppy walking. I was hoping to wear her out and have a calm day.

Dog is still going strong, but I am worn out! :P
Got up early and took my puppy walking. I was hoping to wear her out and have a calm day.

Dog is still going strong, but I am worn out! :P

Did Zoey sleep at all last night? She is so excited to have someone who wants her. She doesn't want to miss out on anything.
I wish we lived close, Marley would like a new friend. Oh, by the way, Marley still has her bows in after seeing the groomer yesterday.:cool2:
Did Zoey sleep at all last night? She is so excited to have someone who wants her. She doesn't want to miss out on anything.
I wish we lived close, Marley would like a new friend. Oh, by the way, Marley still has her bows in after seeing the groomer yesterday.:cool2:

She was fine. Having the example of the two older dogs let her know it was time to sleep.

And she is definitely excited to be a wanted pet. She doesn't want to be alone for a minute.

I am sure she would like to see Marley also.

We do have dogs in the yards on both sides of our house and she ran up and down the fence with one neighbor's dog last night, but this morning, our Baby showed her that really you are supposed to bark at them, demonstrating on the other side's dogs.

Zoey didn't think it was right, and she kept running to my husband to let him know, but she finally got in the spirit a little.

The neighbors whose dogs got barked at have a small flock of Jack Russells/ Since the Jack Russells also like to bark, they don't really mind! :lol:
Took a nap before tonight's dress rehearsal with orchestra.
Also helped my daughter apply for a private student loan for the balance due after the financial aid (small grant & gov't loans). I had to co-sign on the loan, of course.
Did some swatches to check knitting gauge, read a book and VP'd with a friend in Missouri.
More swatches knitting, then had to escape to the bedroom, so I've been reading all day.
I fought with my mother today and then just stayed in my room all day. She wants to send me to Italy for the rest of the summer but I want to stay home for when my brother comes back from his honeymoon. So my day wan't too good.
Walked my puppy. Played tug of war with my puppy. Took my puppy out.

Sounds like a fun day for the both of you!

Because I am disabled and now deaf with some brain issues, I am home a lot by myself. Marley keeps me so entertained. Every 2 hours she makes me get up and play fetch with her. She has made my life so happy. M hubby and I crack up at the things she does. I highly recommend a dog if someone is feeling lonely or depressed. Marley understands everything about me!!!
hauled more logs from out of town...my hands feel like sandpaper..smh...also watched a lot of sports media b/c of PSU
. I highly recommend a dog if someone is feeling lonely or depressed. Marley understands everything about me!!!

This is exactly why I got a dog. I got my Luca when he was 8 weeks old and now he's 3. I was going through a very difficult time and a doctor suggested I get a dog. Smart doctor. My dad calls Luca Doctor Luca because he's like medicine to make me heal. I love him so much, he knows my soul so well.