What did you do today? Part II

Yes. Our news specifically mentions to keep your dogs in , and that they shouldn't be going for walks in this heat.

I just play fetch a lot more with her during the day. If it cools off late at night, my hubby takes her around the block. Summer is definitely not my favorite season:eek3:
Got a text last night from my daughter. She's having contractions (babt's due date is Aug 5). Wasn't dilating though. Haven't heard anything since we said goodnight. She had just had an ultrasound yesterday (but couldn't get a pic :( ) and everything looked good. The baby currently weighs about 6 lbs.
I told her they may put her on bed rest. Now I need to get myself ready, sooner than expected, to go out there.
Slept in today. Didn't have to get up before the sun for fasting lab tests. Already got lab results in email; good results, so YAY, me, LOL! :laugh2: Finishing up my computer stuff I do most days. Set up some phone #s in my phone book on the new Captel phone, as well as learning other settings. "Returned to sender" back over the fence, a bag of garbage some lowlife living in the apt. building next door threw over the fence into our backyard. :wtf: If I knew who the jerk was, I'd have delivered the bag back to him/her...personally. Grrrrrr! :rifle:
Bought a new vacuum cleaner. Guaranteed to pick up pet hair and with a special Paw attachment.

The last one worked for years with minimal repair, but when it decided to quit, it was really the end!
taking my day off, getting back to work on 6 former freecycle computers to give to all the deaf people who are no longer homeless.

(by the way..my name is not Daniels <grin>)


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Yesterday, reeled in shock as DH was laid off without warning. :eek3: Then had dinner like normal people, watched some TV and went to bed. :P Today trying to figure things out and start a new part of our lives...:hmm:
Yesterday, reeled in shock as DH was laid off without warning. :eek3: Then had dinner like normal people, watched some TV and went to bed. :P Today trying to figure things out and start a new part of our lives...:hmm:

Sorry to hear that, but at least he is old enough for Social Security and Medicare.
Maybe he will be able to get a part time job to pad out the income.
Im exhausted...finally got a tooth filling tuhday.. :rockon: The denists got rid of old tooth fillings and put a new tooth filling. Looks so much bedder (my speech for better :lol:) Such a badass..aint 'fraid of no foo-kin denist! I earned couple of more chest hairs.
I learn it still lots of work pretty crazy time!!! i am lots of exciting :D
I tried to sneak a peek at the film crue from DIY Network. They are doing a home and lawn makeover on our street. They make it look quite simple on tv, but there has to be at least 50 people working on it. I am curious if they will actually get it all done in the three day time frame. I have been begging my hubby to update our kitchen for years. Yesterday he finally said he was ready. Now I need to pick out all the colors and products. I am super excited.
Sorry to hear that, but at least he is old enough for Social Security and Medicare.
Maybe he will be able to get a part time job to pad out the income.

Well, yeah, but he can't get full soc. security until the year he will turn 66. (Next year). Medicare won't cut it alone so we would have to get supplemental with our current health provider, too. Likely over $600/month for the two of us (well, we *hope* only $600; Cobra to continue our coverage would be close to $1,000/month). He registered and applied for unemployment. He hopes to work at least part-time and get us through the end of the year.

Wouldn't you know we just contracted and signed for the loan for my new hearing aids, which I just got? :roll:
I am so sorry GrayEagle that your hubby lost his job. I always admire how positive you are daily. Hopefully things will work out for you soon. Best of luck!!
Went to annual picnic before we move out to open-air theater for final week of rehearsals. Free beer & soda, volleyball, badminton & softball game (where teams can have as many players as want to play). Then egg toss & water balloon toss.
Nice weather. Overcast & comfortable.
Read 2 books, spoke with contractor, made a run to grocery store and started a 3rd book.
Laundry and other chores. Online. :type: Looking forward to movie night at home w/ DH (husband), watching House of Cards (1993) with Tommy Lee Jones and Kathleen Turner from our library. We'll be having our usual toasted cheese sandwiches & soup for dinner. :P
Bought a new TV online. Now waiting for the email to go pick it up. May not get it set up till this weekend (unless my daughter does it) since we have rehearsal all week.

I'm downsizing the TV in the living room. Our 42" plasma, which my husband bought when we moved into this house died over the weekend. I'm getting a 32" LCD/LED-backlit Samsung.

Guess I should take advantage of this and clean behind the TV stand. :shock:

I'll get my daughter to get some of her guy friends to come over and either take the old TV to the electronics recycling, or put it in my trunk so I can take it.

Also should have 1443 points added to my "frequent rider" rewards program with Amtrak. Slowly working my way to a "free" ride in a sleeper car.