I gave two of my red bull cans to the guy that walks around town picking up tin cans to recycle for money.
I like this. I am currently working on a food for trash idea for the Bay Area. Basically the idea is to get Restaurants to accept trash and recyclables in the early morning or evening in exchange for a meal. Helps the homeless and the environment at the same time......Plus cleans up the city.
Put final touches on my biz plan which will be a "green business"
walked to dinner instead of driving and now going to bug the B&N manager about starting to recycle......I can't believe they don't.
Lots of places dont because it costs money.
Week 2 of no driving.
Are you going Amish on us?
If I could get away without having to drive I would. Unfortunately in this area, a personal vehicle is a must.
Pretty much. It's much less stressful not driving.
Wearing Convo Relay shirt today.
is that shirt made from recycled material?
no, it's green.
Nothing I can think of today. We did use recycled bags for the library books today.
That reminds me... a friend mailed me a mug and she used the grocery bags as filler to protect the mug in the mail. That was a good idea as I don't like the styrofoam peanuts falling all over the place.
There is a type of packing peanuts made from starch and dissolves in water.