What did you do that was "Green" today?

Nothing I can think of today. We did use recycled bags for the library books today.
I gave two of my red bull cans to the guy that walks around town picking up tin cans to recycle for money.
I gave two of my red bull cans to the guy that walks around town picking up tin cans to recycle for money.

I like this. I am currently working on a food for trash idea for the Bay Area. Basically the idea is to get Restaurants to accept trash and recyclables in the early morning or evening in exchange for a meal. Helps the homeless and the environment at the same time......Plus cleans up the city.
I like this. I am currently working on a food for trash idea for the Bay Area. Basically the idea is to get Restaurants to accept trash and recyclables in the early morning or evening in exchange for a meal. Helps the homeless and the environment at the same time......Plus cleans up the city.

That's a nice idea.
Put final touches on my biz plan which will be a "green business"
walked to dinner instead of driving and now going to bug the B&N manager about starting to recycle......I can't believe they don't.
Put final touches on my biz plan which will be a "green business"
walked to dinner instead of driving and now going to bug the B&N manager about starting to recycle......I can't believe they don't.

Lots of places dont because it costs money.

Week 2 of no driving.
Green decision

Well besides being an active member of "The Green Party" which will have candidates on ballots this year folks.I decide i will add 2 small solar panels and skylights to the roof. I saw some cool ones that the Panels are part of the skylight,,but they slide to allow the skylights to be just that. I like them alot. I also recycle and collect rain water for uses around the garden and house. Hey PFH..good job walking for 2 weeks. But isn't that because your car is on the fritz..lol.if i am wrong i apologize..just thought I remember you saying that. Still, clapping..good for you and Glenn, my friend is a true "green" guy..rides his bicycle all the time...clapping..Midnight♥♥♥
and hey Tex (TexasGolfer) I like your idea but what about the smell at the restaurants while they wait for the trash and cans to be picked up by city or county? That's really the only reason i can see they would bulk the idea..i like it
Lots of places dont because it costs money.

Week 2 of no driving.

Are you going Amish on us? :lol:

If I could get away without having to drive I would. Unfortunately in this area, a personal vehicle is a must.

What did I do today that was 'green'?

I picked up some trash that was thrown out at the church parking lot. Yesterday I threw away trash that was left in the seating area at the Atkins Baseball/Softball complex. A trash can wasn't 5 steps away yet people still throw their trash on the ground and leave it. Unbelievable.
About the only driving I do is to the grocery store. I may have bought gas in March...can't remember.
Pretty much. It's much less stressful not driving.

I can vouch for that. I nearly T-boned a Hispanic driver that pulled out from a gas station without even stopping to look for oncoming traffic. Just darted out there in front of me. I had to lock my wheels up to keep from having a bad wreck. He was driving an old beat up Honda. I called him a 'fucktard driver'.
Nothing I can think of today. We did use recycled bags for the library books today.

That reminds me... a friend mailed me a mug and she used the grocery bags as filler to protect the mug in the mail. That was a good idea as I don't like the styrofoam peanuts falling all over the place.
That reminds me... a friend mailed me a mug and she used the grocery bags as filler to protect the mug in the mail. That was a good idea as I don't like the styrofoam peanuts falling all over the place.

Yeah, plus styrofoam is like the worst thing ever invented. Horrible stuff
There is a type of packing peanuts made from starch and dissolves in water.