What did Biden mean?

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Retired Terp
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Jun 8, 2004
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What did Joe Biden mean by this remark?

"Mark my words," Biden told donors at a Seattle fund-raiser Sunday night.

"It will not be six months before the world tests Barack Obama like they did John Kennedy. The world is looking. We're about to elect a brilliant 47-year-old senator president of the United States of America.

"Watch. We're going to have an international crisis, a generated crisis, to test the mettle of this guy.

"And he's going to need help . . . to stand with him. Because it's not going to be apparent initially; it's not going to be apparent that we're right."

Other bias news. :roll:
[FONT=verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif]Lieberman: U.S. May Be Attacked In 2009
McCain Supporter Says Terrorists Have Tested New Presidents By Launching Attacks In First Year Of Term
[/FONT] [FONT=verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif]This interview was in June.[/FONT]
[FONT=verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif]Lieberman: U.S. May Be Attacked In 2009, McCain Supporter Says Terrorists Have Tested New Presidents By Launching Attacks In First Year Of Term - CBS News

Think Progress » Flashback: Lieberman said that ‘our enemies will test the new President.’
I think, maybe he means after the race, riots shook Rochester, New York in 1966. What would happen is if, Obama is elected and the riots will start everywhere.

Obama's goal is to change the United States into a socialist nation. We will be changed to complete socialism/communism.

Is it true that politicians will say anythin' -- even lies -- to get elected ? The reason I asked this question is because, I've read all of their backgrounds - none of are tellin' the truth about themselves. :cool: This will cause this nation an upheveal ( sp ? ).
[FONT=verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif]Lieberman: U.S. May Be Attacked In 2009
McCain Supporter Says Terrorists Have Tested New Presidents By Launching Attacks In First Year Of Term
[/FONT] [FONT=verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif]This interview was in June.[/FONT]
[FONT=verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif]Lieberman: U.S. May Be Attacked In 2009, McCain Supporter Says Terrorists Have Tested New Presidents By Launching Attacks In First Year Of Term - CBS News

Think Progress » Flashback: Lieberman said that ‘our enemies will test the new President.’

I'm hopefully that won't happen like that after 9/11, it's very bigger time.

In 1993 WTC bombing, terrorists have attempted to take both of towers down but failed then again with different methods on 9/11.
I think, maybe he means after the race, riots shook Rochester, New York in 1966. What would happen is if, Obama is elected and the riots will start everywhere.

Obama's goal is to change the United States into a socialist nation. We will be changed to complete socialism/communism.

Is it true that politicians will say anythin' -- even lies -- to get elected ? The reason I asked this question is because, I've read all of their backgrounds - none of are tellin' the truth about themselves. :cool: This will cause this nation an upheveal ( sp ? ).

It's not true, quit read any information that contains bias or lies.

If so I ask you, where's source?

Change from existing government type into socialist/communism is moot point because we have constitution that forbid from change the government type, again, both of socialist and communism aren't same word.
Wow! That what I thought. I was wondering. I can tell about it would be happen to Obama. Like Abraham Lincoln, JFK and MLK. It's really scare. I don't want to see happen to America. Are you guys concern? Enemies are not good thing. I wish all of people are FRIENDS and peaceful in the world instead of enemies and ugly fighting.
Wow! That what I thought. I was wondering. I can tell about will be happen to Obama. Like Abraham Lincoln, JFK and MLK. It's really scare. I don't want to see happen to America. Are you guys concern? Enemies are not good thing. I wish all of people are friends in the world instead of enemies and ugly fighting.

Not just only for Obama but goes happen to McCain too.

I'm seriously hopefully that won't going happen because we have tighten terrorist law that adopted after 9/11.

9/11 has stressed me in big time and never want happen again.
Not just only for Obama but goes happen to McCain too.

I'm seriously hopefully that won't going happen because we have tighten terrorist law that adopted after 9/11.

That's true. I hope not going be happen to us. (sighing) Terrorist want to kill all of us in America. :( I saw on news. Jihad Watch because of our election for president this year. :shock:
That's true. I hope not going be happen to us. (sighing) Terrorist want to kill all of us in America. :( I saw on news. Jihad Watch because of our election for president this year. :shock:

Yup, after 9/11, any countries that fly to USA is require to have strict security measure that's matches or above of TSA level or will reject let them to fly, I believe that airport has radar that can tracking on any unrelated airplane when flying.

I had found that Al Qaeda had attempt into attack in other US cities after 9/11 but failed after terrorist law got more tighter.
It's not true, quit read any information that contains bias or lies.

If so I ask you, where's source?

What source are you talkin' about ? I just SAID that I've read all of their backgrounds. Get it ? History repeats itself. Don't forget that part, Foxrac.

Change from existing government type into socialist/communism is moot point because we have constitution that forbid from change the government type, again, both of socialist and communism aren't same word.

You still don't read what I said in my previous post recently. I did NOT say that the socialist and communism are the same word, but they work TOGETHER. Gestapo. Comprends ?
You still don't read what I said in my previous post recently. I did NOT say that the socialist and communism are the same word, but they work TOGETHER. Gestapo. Comprends ?

I don't believe about you said without any source, that something you say like that is very unrelated topic and has nothing with views of US president.
Wow! That what I thought. I was wondering. I can tell about it would be happen to Obama. Like Abraham Lincoln, JFK and MLK. It's really scare. I don't want to see happen to America. Are you guys concern? Enemies are not good thing. I wish all of people are FRIENDS and peaceful in the world instead of enemies and ugly fighting.

Yeah, I don't want to see it to happen, either. There's another thing I want to post in another thread also - it related to Wall Street. I will ask some of you guys about it in another thread asap.
Yup, after 9/11, any countries that fly to USA is require to have strict security measure that's matches or above of TSA level or will reject let them to fly, I believe that airport has radar that can tracking on any unrelated airplane when flying.

I had found that Al Qaeda had attempt into attack in other US cities after 9/11 but failed after terrorist law got more tighter.

Yeah. I am telling you the truth. Our US troops are in Iraq. They said it's not finish with war because of Iran is plan to kill all Jewish and all people in the world. We need to rid of terrorist become peace in the world. You know I mean?

I am disappoint for Obama is not support Iraq War. I found it out Obama do speak Arabic. If he is care about country and need to let troops watch over terrorist. It like police in USA. There is very power security. That's why i am support Military.

McCain, Biden and everyone are concern what is going be happen to McCain & Obama between. We want our country to be protect from terrorist.
I don't believe about you said without any source, that something you say like that is very unrelated topic and has nothing with views of US president.

I read many links from this AD relatin' to candidates. There's somethin' fishy goin' on out there. I can feel my guts. There's some mentions about " socialism/communism " in some threads as well.
Yeah, I don't want to see it to happen, either. There's another thing I want to post in another thread also - it related to Wall Street. I will ask some of you guys about it in another thread asap.

Ok sure no problem. I will check your new thread. :)
Yeah. I am telling you the truth. Our US troops are in Iraq. They said it's not finish with war because of Iran is plan to kill all Jewish and all people in the world. We need to rid of terrorist become peace in the world. You know I mean?

and how Iran is gonna do that? Do you think Iran would even do that without having its own country and people annihilated by allied nations?

That's why I'm hardly concerned about it. Same for North Korea.
Ok sure no problem. I will check your new thread. :)

I am not goin' to create my own new thread. Sorry for misunderstandin'. I will post one in someone else's thread that already discussed about Wall Street.
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