What are you thinking about?

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That's what frightens me about driving on country roads at night. Hitting deer. I have heard of horror stories of what happened to people when they struck deer at a bad angle.

I don't actually live out in the country but the country isn't far from me as I live in a small burb near Lynchburg and though I've gone to my parents' farm, I've never run into deer even though I can see them running across my parents' yard and driveway.

Once I went to the dump with my dad last year and found 3 dead deer. My mother said sometimes people hit them and that's likely why I found those dead deere at the dump.
I always loved the QX4, so that's why i chose it after my head-on that wrote off my mitsubishi outlander. I've been happy with it ever since I got it almost 5 years ago! In high school, I totally thought the G20 was a wicked car, i loved it's silhouette.

If you've never hit an animal before, I'm sorry but you have no clue what you are talking about. When I hit the deer, I had no idea what happened. I thought someone threw a cinder block off the overpass. I didn't see anything happen, all I heard was the xenon lights exploding and the collision. I had to drive backwards on the shoulder a lot to find out that it was a big deer. I then proceeded to be stuck in a neck brace strapped to a backboard lying flat on my back for 8 hrs. not cool.

I heard lot of bad thing about Mitsubishi SUV like outlander and Montero. It's utter piece of shit. lol sorry I'm not a fan of G20 but my brother likes it. I crashed my good ole' Saab so my brother and I share G20. I'm waiting for him to get a job so I can go run off and buy Jeep!

I've never hit a deer but I know it's very fucked up - no matter if it's a moose or deer. I ride motorcycle daily (except during winter) so the danger factor's very real to me. I've got bunch of shit thrown at me including a broken car part that hit my leg. OUCH!
I heard lot of bad thing about Mitsubishi SUV like outlander and Montero. It's utter piece of shit. lol sorry I'm not a fan of G20 but my brother likes it. I crashed my good ole' Saab so my brother and I share G20. I'm waiting for him to get a job so I can go run off and buy Jeep!

If you've got the cash, walk to the dealership and buy a Jeep. I wouldn't wait around on your brother to find a job. You need a car.
That's what frightens me about driving on country roads at night. Hitting deer. I have heard of horror stories of what happened to people when they struck deer at a bad angle.

#1 reason why most animal-vehicle accidents are bad is because the drivers panicked and attempt to swerve. You're better off just drive on straight and brace for impact.

I have to do this on motorcycle and it's absolutely vital to your life to have this kind of skill to ignore your panic instinct to swerve & brake. :|
If you've got the cash, walk to the dealership and buy a Jeep. I wouldn't wait around on your brother to find a job. You need a car.

we both share car so it's not absolutely necessary for me to have one now. it's just NICE to have one of my own :lol:

I put family ahead of my needs because they would do same for me. kinda like socialism healthcare, eh? :lol: My brother just got a job interview with fat cat tomorrow so we'll see how that goes. go him!!!!
Thinking about how annoying it is for me to go without my hearing aids for a long period of time. I can barely hear a thing and can only understand people from lip reading. :mad:

My ears started to swell and get irritated last week and so far they have gotten worse. It has gotten to the point where if I have my hearing aids in all day my ears are in so much pain. They started bleeding the other night from the irritation. I have made an appointment at the hearing center for next Wednesday.

So today and yesterday, as soon as I have come home, I have been taking them out for the evenings. It hasn't been fun. When I watch TV (I can't hear the TV at all without HAs unless it is turned up to max volume), I just watch the captioning and read entirely... often missing out on the actual show.
#1 reason why most animal-vehicle accidents are bad is because the drivers panicked and attempt to swerve. You're better off just drive on straight and brace for impact.

I have to do this on motorcycle and it's absolutely vital to your life to have this kind of skill to ignore your panic instinct to swerve & brake. :|

Yeah, kind of like the Geico squirrels commercial. You swerve and have a wreck but the animal is standing there laughing at you.
Yeah, kind of like the Geico squirrels commercial. You swerve and have a wreck but the animal is standing there laughing at you.

lllllooooolllllll I remember the parts where 2 squirrels laughed together and did some handshakes. and plus - by making a panic move when hitting the animal at bad angle - you will suffer a pretty bad injury.
lllllooooolllllll I remember the parts where 2 squirrels laughed together and did some handshakes. and plus - by making a panic move when hitting the animal at bad angle - you will suffer a pretty bad injury.

Yep, I had a friend from high school get killed in a wreck trying to miss a deer. But he also wasn't wearing his seat belt.
The Montero wasn't that great of an suv, but it had it's place. I enjoyed my outlander while it lasted lol.

I don't live in the country by any means, but our city has a deer population problem and it causes a lot of automotive accidents. lol, Alicia can attest to my amazing deer sensing abilities.

Contrary to popular belief, bracing for an impact is about the worst thing you can do. Drunk drivers usually are fine from impacts because they are drunk and their muscles are lucid. Tensed muscles will cause a lot more damage. Not bracing for impacts is how i've walked away pretty much unscathed from 2 head-on crashes. I've learned to keep my muscles relaxed before impacts from my martial arts training.
Yep, I had a friend from high school get killed in a wreck trying to miss a deer. But he also wasn't wearing his seat belt.

oh my.... sorry to hear....
The Montero wasn't that great of an suv, but it had it's place. I enjoyed my outlander while it lasted lol.

I don't live in the country by any means, but our city has a deer population problem and it causes a lot of automotive accidents. lol, Alicia can attest to my amazing deer sensing abilities.

Contrary to popular belief, bracing for an impact is about the worst thing you can do. Drunk drivers usually are fine from impacts because they are drunk and their muscles are lucid. Tensed muscles will cause a lot more damage. Not bracing for impacts is how i've walked away pretty much unscathed from 2 head-on crashes. I've learned to keep my muscles relaxed before impacts from my martial arts training.

"brace for impact" is more of figure of speech like - just hang on and hope for best lol like typical scenes in Star Trek. "Attention all crew! brace for impact!!!" and..... these starships are what? thousand years more advanced than us? and they don't have a damn seatbelt??? :lol:
I am hungry but I don't want to eat.... should I get another cup of coffee, or should I get a small bite?
lol Jiro, choose your words wisely lol.

good call on why the starship enterprise doesn't have seatbelts...lol
startrek eh...and I am thinking you didn't get hurt because of your fortune cookie:)
What am I thinking about?

What am I thinking about?? umm I actually have lots of things on mind but the hottest topic for the hour is what is it like to start dating again after all those years of marriage and am I choosing the right school.. besides all that crap stuff it seem to you people, the hottest item that might be interesting to you is the third hottest topic on mind ..... sex and food to plan for tomorrow including what casein protein food should I get this time... tsk. I love food but I need it for the training tomorrow night if I am not snowed in.
I am going to bed......
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