What are you thinking about?

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It is 7 pm and my son will be away for two hours, what's a gal to do?

Bubble Bath? Go for a walk? Clean?!

Alright it's settled. Time to nibble on pumpkin bread, feel guilt, then work out.

I'll be back later tonight, beware o_O
I am thinking what fun its going to be meeting the AD owner soon :)
I think I will finally have a day to rest tomorrow, whew. I need it! I'm a walking zombie nowadays X_X
Is thinking about all the steps involved in building Vision House - Jacob's Well! Super excited to be involved and see the community come together.
Busy week ?

Definitely, I've been forcing myself to stay out of the house every single day of the week (including weekends) with a handful of friends so I won't be alone with my thoughts and my son will be occupied.

But... I've been feeling drained lately and I have a busy weekend coming up, so today is PJ day! :eek3: Lovin' it

Now I need my coffee :shock:
Definitely, I've been forcing myself to stay out of the house every single day of the week (including weekends) with a handful of friends so I won't be alone with my thoughts and my son will be occupied.

But... I've been feeling drained lately and I have a busy weekend coming up, so today is PJ day! :eek3: Lovin' it

Now I need my coffee :shock:

Oooh tough cos you look after your son 24/7. Why not go holiday and get yourself fun ?:lol:
I am off to workout :)
Been thinking about how I wish Christmas was over already. I hate having the house decoragted to soon and haveing so many lights blinking. I can't do a thing about it since it belongs to MIL. Aargh!!!!
Been thinking about how I wish Christmas was over already. I hate having the house decoragted to soon and haveing so many lights blinking. I can't do a thing about it since it belongs to MIL. Aargh!!!!

Ladies and gent, our first AD Scrooge :eek3:
Ladies and gent, our first AD Scrooge :eek3:

Not really a scrooge. Just tired of it starting so soon. MIL was working with Christmas lights before Halloween just getting ready. It all went up the days after Thanksgiving and will be taken down over New Year's. Then she has Valentine's decorations, then St. Paddy's, then Easter. That's all until Halloween again.
A very merry bah humbug to you all! :)
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