What are you thinking about?

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I'll buy your business.

NYET! your money's no good


*it's a pix of Russian man at dinner table, refusing a drink offered by a person, saying "HET!" which is russian for No.
I'm wondering when my birthday present to my kid will arrive. It's a 3/4 electric guitar. This is going to be one instance in which it's good not to hear so much. I can't wait to see the look on his face when he gets it!
nyet! Your money's no good


*it's a pix of russian man at dinner table, refusing a drink offered by a person, saying "het!" which is russian for no.
Thinking about how busy this month is for me.... All weekends are already filled with plans. lol
I am thinking how I can't decide on a pic for my new project. I am learning print shop on a mac at work. I have a special greeting for someone :)
Shocked that I still have access to academic journals... under my old university account...

Maybe, your account will be automatically approved when you receive your Dr degree in the mail! :shock: That could happen to anyone.
Goodnight, Kristina. Hoping you feel better.:wave:

Back a little better than last night. Had a LOT of errands with MIL today. Left the house at 10am and got home at 7pm. At least she bought me a late lunch at Applebee's.

Headache was only around for a short time today and is now just a very dull ache.
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