What are you thinking about?

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Kristina, are you doing weight watchers? I hated evil weight watchers! I'm a life time member but I won't go back. If I gain weight, I just eat lots of fruits and veggies to fill myself up. Tomatoes are free!
I'm thinking about how fast members' post counts will drop if I were to delete this thread. :twisted:
I'm thinking about how fast members' post counts will drop if I were to delete this thread. :twisted:

It won't be a noticeable drop.
I'd lose 20. Which is nothing really. Jiro, Jillo, etc will lose 300ish and that will look like nothing with their 20k counts :)
I'm thinking why does me and sister always have to be the same? We're both feeling unwell with headache and stomach aches. Hehe.. Hope we both feel better soon
I second that Violet. I am not a morning person, on the bright side no work tomorrow! Sleep in city lol
I'm wondering why so many people are sick. Hope that everyone who is ill is better soon!
I am thinking of this Birdie username. Is that we heard the old story last year?
I'm so skinny...

Okay guys - that's the last time I eat fried fish one night, then pizza the next night, then have weighh-in on the 3rd night. I gained a whole pound.:shock:

It's back to soup for the week.

Hmm I should try that! I'm rather difficult with gaining weight. I weight under a 100 lbs. I need to gain 20 lbs. (-.-)
yeah almost same as dinner time. burritos or cold pizza or heated pizza or chinese food or homemade food that you love.

Just consider yourself as a lucky one. You can eat anything you please. ;)
yeah almost same as dinner time. burritos or cold pizza or heated pizza or chinese food or homemade food that you love.

Just consider yourself as a lucky one. You can eat anything you please. ;)

Ah now you're making me hungry :drool: and hey it is almost dinner time here.

Yeah I know I am lucky but it is frustrating nevertheless because my mom worries too much about my weight.
For all I know is that I needed to get up to a healthy weight (about 115 lbs) so I can be stronger in health (less sick). :zzz:
I feel funny when I am at home in Canberra, just recently got back from Melbourne////:hmm:
Ah now you're making me hungry :drool: and hey it is almost dinner time here.

Yeah I know I am lucky but it is frustrating nevertheless because my mom worries too much about my weight.
For all I know is that I needed to get up to a healthy weight (about 115 lbs) so I can be stronger in health (less sick). :zzz:

Oh your mom worries about your weight. maybe you eat something in front of her so she wouldn't worry too much. :giggle: if you aren't hungry then eat little like crackers or chips between meals. Just go flow with your tummy telling you when you feel so hungry then eat it than ignore it. I guess.
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