What are you thinking about? Part VIII

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Why clcaivin closed my Black Friday topic
I apologise if spelling worse my eyes not good tonight,I going throw towel in use white stick
:( Oh no, AC -I'm so sorry:hug:

Botti, I'm also sad about your father.

I think traumas like these are so magnified over the holidays partly because it sometimes seems like you're "supposed to" be happy in the holiday time.
All that we associate generally with a holiday season, just make it more difficult.

My husband had an uncle he was really close to; the uncle died un-expectedly about 5 months ago, so it will be the first time to be with hub's family minus uncle <his sister and her partner and their teens- husbands' parents are both dead> this holiday season. My hub was not close with his father and had a very different perspective and interests than his parents and his sister, so that uncle was significant. The uncle was also his godfather.
So we'll see how it goes this time when we see them.
i am thinking how this month went by so quickly. I am almost done with my Psychology 1A class. Next week is our final exam. On to December love the month ❤️
That is so sad about the friend that committing suicide really sorry to hear this. How tragic for everyone that loved and knew the man . :(
A very good friend of ours (hubby and I) committed suicide Thanksgiving evening. We had another friend check on him yesterday morning when we didn't hear from our friend throughout the weekend, and found him dead. (Gut instinct, especially since he was battling severe depression.) Just feeling numb now. I know the holidays are hard on those with depression. :(

I am really sorry. Thats sad.
I'm thinking about the end of the fall semester and Christmas shopping. I'm also thinking about my late grandfather. It has been 13 years since his passing.
i am thinking how this month went by so quickly. I am almost done with my Psychology 1A class. Next week is our final exam. On to December love the month ❤️


Here is a four leaf clover for good luck !
Sorry for the sad news AlleyCat.

Botti, if I missed your birthday I'm very sorry. Happy Belated Birthday to you.
sorry about your loss alleycat.. yeah thanksgiving isn't the same since my friend died of massive heart attack on thanksgiving day back in 2009, oh well but I managed to do ok and yeah it takes long time to heal believe me I had been there before... :)
Thinking a little negative at the moment. A lot going on in the family. Also, going through my address book to write out Christmas cards. So many people have died, moved far away or I just don't vibe with any longer. Sad, but since I lost my hearing, I lost a few friends along the way.

So many large get together's, another one this Saturday. People, meaning my extended family mostly, totally forget that I am deaf and are getting ticked off at me for not being able to follow along....it is so LOUD with all of them around. Got a few negative comments from a family member about me not answering my phone when they call. I told them I do not wear my CI's while I am sleeping. This get together I'm thinking of wearing a name tag that says "remember I'm deaf". If they don't want to talk to me than fine.
thinking how long it will be raining tomorrow since I might will have to walk in rain blah... ;) but we need rain here in California anyway ;)
Thinking a little negative at the moment. A lot going on in the family. Also, going through my address book to write out Christmas cards. So many people have died, moved far away or I just don't vibe with any longer. Sad, but since I lost my hearing, I lost a few friends along the way.

So many large get together's, another one this Saturday. People, meaning my extended family mostly, totally forget that I am deaf and are getting ticked off at me for not being able to follow along....it is so LOUD with all of them around. Got a few negative comments from a family member about me not answering my phone when they call. I told them I do not wear my CI's while I am sleeping. This get together I'm thinking of wearing a name tag that says "remember I'm deaf". If they don't want to talk to me than fine.

You should just text the family member and tell them text works great to keep in touch and it isn't your fault or any reflection on you that you can't hear on the phone. Also video calls are great and no more trouble for the hearing.
This get together I'm thinking of wearing a name tag that says "remember I'm deaf". If they don't want to talk to me than fine.

well...I'd talk to you.. either by boogie board, paper, or a little sign (as I know you don't know any). I know how you feel though. My family get togethers are not as big as they once were growing up but even with the smaller sized family now it's still hard to follow along.

I'm half tempted to get that on a T-Shirt... "I'M DEAF!" LOL
Thinking some people are "deaf" when they read emails. A recruiter keeps calling my house phone (and I don't answer that phone) even though I told her 3 times in emails to call my cell phone.

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