What are you thinking about? Part VIII

I am thinking Zumba time! Keep calm bwahh
It is frustrating trying to get my dog to poop. He loves to eat rabbit poops. They are all over the grass.
How can I be at work and still playing with myself? I'm so naughty. Good thing I've got an office even though it's an open door.
I need a new massager. My current one has sharp nails and leaves marks.
Thinking I need to read up on the syllabus for a class I'm going to take in a little over a week. It's a programming class and will be for 5 full days.
Good luck with your class, LoveBlue! Are you looking forward to it or something you have to do?
Good luck with your class, LoveBlue! Are you looking forward to it or something you have to do?
Looking forward to it. I got approved for a grant for displaced employees who want to take training to help them find new jobs. Just hope I'll be able to find jobs that don't need much experience in this particular language. It is one that I see a lot along with the skills I already have which is why I chose this particular class.
Okay, how about we all move along now please? If anyone has a problem, take it in PMland, there's no reason to single anyone out here in the public forum.

Thank you.
Thinking about a much needed vacation that I am very looking forward to and I'm certain that I will have a great time hanging with a friend. True friends are hard to come by.... hopefully I'll be back on track to normal by then.
Thinking about a much needed vacation that I am very looking forward to and I'm certain that I will have a great time hanging with a friend. True friends are hard to come by.... hopefully I'll be back on track to normal by then.

I hope you have a good vacation!
Oh, then I hope it works out great, LoveBlue! I'm curious to know what you think after you complete - good luck :)
Calvin, have a wonderful vacation!
I am thinking loving my Young Living Essential oils! I am officially a consultant got my starter kit and very excited to share it with others.