What are you thinking about? Part VIII

Putting all the new blinds to their rooms to be installed. They're custom blinds so some guy is coming to put them in. We did about half the house a few months ago we finished the rest now.
I need to ride my bicycle, faster and/or longer, if I wanna lose any weight.
You should ride it a few hundred miles. That would do it for you.

LOL....in this Heat Wave?...might be better off swimming laps at the Pool. Last time I rode a Bike. I winded up in a Ditch...my balance is horrible and I should have known better.
My balance is terrible too. I had my husband take me to work today because I didn't think I could drive it all. It's a 30 mile drive one way and my vertigo is terrible.
My balance is terrible too. I had my husband take me to work today because I didn't think I could drive it all. It's a 30 mile drive one way and my vertigo is terrible.

I hope things get better... :hug:

I think we had no rain for 2 months now .

I can't find any data for 2016 so can't say what the rainfall has been like for the last 2 months but according to several weather reports, y'all will get heavy rain tomorrow and next Tuesday.
I can't find any data for 2016 so can't say what the rainfall has been like for the last 2 months but according to several weather reports, y'all will get heavy rain tomorrow and next Tuesday.

I don't know that New England has drought issue now. :ugh:
There are parts of mn not that far from me that are underwater. It's been on the news. I can see all the gigantic RVs half submerged underwater.
Oh, i see. Your property okay? We did not get hit too bad, just torrent down pour plus thunder n lightning.
Yeah we are more than fine. These areas are roughly 30-60 minutes away (there's more than one area flooding).
Went on my bike ride today. Harder and faster, yet the white haired walking group still zipped past me. I rode the bike trails near 2 separate rivers, no noticeable flooding.
How many hundred miles did you ride today? Sounds like it was not enough.

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