What are you thinking about Part VII

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Thinking I like peanut butter M&Ms more than Reeces peanut butter cups.

Taste changing in old age...
Thinking I like peanut butter M&Ms more than Reeces peanut butter cups.

Taste changing in old age...

I am opposite with you. lol. i like Reeces PB pieces than PB MM (reeces not PB cup)

Thinking I like peanut butter M&Ms more than Reeces peanut butter cups.

Taste changing in old age...

I used to so love the peanut butter cups too, but not so much anymore. Is it just me, or do the Easter ones seem extra creamier than the normal ones? Those I like! It might be all in my mind, though :)
mamo gram tomorrow breast mashing. the yearly mammogram here so quick I thinking about that
Wishing I could sneak in a nap at work... so friggin' tired.
I used to so love the peanut butter cups too, but not so much anymore. Is it just me, or do the Easter ones seem extra creamier than the normal ones? Those I like! It might be all in my mind, though :)

I think so too. It might be because they are limited time, so fresher?
I saw Easter stuff yesterday and today. I was sorely tempted to stock up, but noooo.... way too early for that. I had to pass up on that... for now.
I saw Easter stuff yesterday and today. I was sorely tempted to stock up, but noooo.... way too early for that. I had to pass up on that... for now.

Yeah Easter is on April 5th this year , stores seen to be pushing the holidays a lot faster each year. It not really about the holidays anymore it about how much $$$ they can made .
I used to so love the peanut butter cups too, but not so much anymore. Is it just me, or do the Easter ones seem extra creamier than the normal ones? Those I like! It might be all in my mind, though :)

Try using Hershey's snack size or miniature chocolate bars and put a little Peter Pan peanut butter on them its better than the peanut butter cups.
^^^^ LOL my son prefers Peter Pan while my daugher prefers JIF. So we bought two PB jars for them. ;)
had breast mashing and another clear year for which I grateful cus some of other women not so lucky at clinic today and it do make you think about fragility of life
How many more days until winter is over! Even the guys going the plowing are called "Uncle!" We have 71 '' of the white stuff in our yard . I wish Old man winter would go take a long nap until spring .
How many more days until winter is over! Even the guys going the plowing are called "Uncle!" We have 71 '' of the white stuff in our yard . I wish Old man winter would go take a long nap until spring .

we got early primroses out and lambs gambolin in fields even frogs spawning and it freezing last week...Spring here soon
Some employers can make things so confusing. This morning I applied, again, to a company that I've applied to several times for a job that I just realized has the same job description, though slightly different job title, as one I already interviewed for and did not get. That one I was told was filled internally, so hopefully this one is a completely different one with a different hiring manager. And sometimes they post the same job descriptions at the same time but with different job numbers. In those cases I always apply for both in case they have different hiring managers.
we got early primroses out and lambs gambolin in fields even frogs spawning and it freezing last week...Spring here soon

We have more you know what coming Thursday and we could get another blizzard on top of the 71 " of the white stuff ! It's a 4 letters word to me !
One of my neighbor had a heart attack and someone found him in the hallway . The guy in his 70's and I think shoving so much snow was too much for his heart. I am not sure if he is still alive .
How when someone posts happy thoughts, others feel the need to quote them and post negative thoughts. Gets kinda old.
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