Oh, my, that's awful! Of course, I'm glad that they're fixing your place before you got hurt. Still, construction mess is terrible to live thru. I've done it on a much smaller scale and it was bad enough. I can't imagine living thru such an extensive mess for six months.
Make sure they include professional cleaning services (at their expense) after all the work is done. You'll need every item, and every square inch (vertical and horizontal), every drawer interior completely wiped down. That construction dust is very fine, and taping up sheets of plastic isn't good enough. Also, they should pay for professional steam cleaning (hot water extraction) of all your upholstered furniture, rugs, and carpeting.
I'm surprised that a poor construction job like that initially passed the building inspection. Something hinky going on there.

You might want to talk with your association or a lawyer about a class action. Keep everything they do or say documented.
Might be a good time to take a trip.