What are you thinking about? Part VI

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Grrr. I'm thinking about how bad I'm craving for sushi at this time of the night! This is not good, lol
Just thinking about how on-line news is irritating me. Used to be able to read articles, now more and more places are putting up videos (and ads) without captions and no transcript.
Upper 50's here today. We have a weatehr warning in the area for a biiiig thunderstorm and highwinds tonight though.

Right now, I'm thinking about how much I'm going to "enjoy" walking through said storm to choir rehearsal tonight...
OOPS. Guy moving our equipment in Canada just shorted out both power supplies on something pretty important. :( Looks like he'll be staying there an extra week...
Wirelessly posted

I am thinking to be well for super bowl party.
Thinking I hope the streets are well plowed because I hope we go out to buy NyQuil tonight.

Sick... :(
I'm thinking too many of my online friends are sick or just under the weather. Hope they all get better soon.
Wirelessly posted

KristinaB said:
I'm thinking too many of my online friends are sick or just under the weather. Hope they all get better soon.

Thank you KristinaB
Thinking about things I should be doing as I sit here doing nothing.
Also thinking about my next train trip. Going to do a day trip to Boston. Most of the day will be on the train - approx 6-1/2 hrs each way. I've never been to Boston. Just want to walk around and see old Boston. Will probably just do part of the Freedom Trail.
Dwelling on loneliness but too nervous (chicken shit) to do anything about it. And bowling really was bad tonight. Got distracted by bad equipment at the end of the day and left my ball and shoes at the office, so wound up with house ball.
I just had a random thought in my head. Does a language stem from culture or does culture stem from a language? Or, does it go hand in hand? Is it possible to separate these two? Oy, my brain comes up with some weird stuff at times.
Thinking I hope the streets are well plowed because I hope we go out to buy NyQuil tonight.

Sick... :(

Thinking I am glad we got NyQuil, but I am sad they only had the green kind. That stuff tastes awful.
I am thinking a beer. Crispy, bitter, sweet, and delicious 8.2% Raging Bitch bottle.
LinkedIn updated! Hopefully get better job postings from head hunters now.

Also, trying to let other group take over more of my operational tasks. They've been pretty unimpressive on prioritizing, initiative, competence in general so it's a little stressful. I gave someone a heads up that some work is coming their way eventually so that if the issue is deemed critical from taking so long, he'll be ready. I know I hate it when someone else's problem becomes my emergency.
Just finished filing my taxes. Thinking about everything I need and want to do with my refund........

Hurry up and get here $$$$ cha ching!!!
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