They text me first
I know. Sometime I text first and situations in real time happens that prevents me to text back. Usualy, when that happens, I text back later on when I have a chance to. Sometime I forget to do that, oops.
It's expensive......Sucks too you have to get a ton of treatments.... It doesn't just "go away" you have to keep going for like say 7-10 possibly more treatments to get it to stay gone. Each treatment costs X amount of hundreds of dollars. Once you do the math, it's quite depressing. The only thing I ever invested in I saw worth the money was Lasik.
I have the option of soing it on the other sode of border which is exaggeratly much cheaper. Once they had a promotion for 300 dollars all body. Covered 6 months i think? I could be wrong but it was 6 sessions i know that
Come and visit i will show you all the wonderful cheap things!!( mostly meaning food)
I wonder is third shift job is bad for employers' health? Staying awake all night, sleep during the day for a week except going out on weekends is not good for mental/physical health? More people in my area are working as third shift. Just wondering...
I wonder is third shift job is bad for employers' health? Staying awake all night, sleep during the day for a week except going out on weekends is not good for mental/physical health? More people in my area are working as third shift. Just wondering...
I wonder is third shift job is bad for employers' health? Staying awake all night, sleep during the day for a week except going out on weekends is not good for mental/physical health? More people in my area are working as third shift. Just wondering...
Let me tell you something about that 3rd shift. Did you know that in most jobs, people who worked the 3rd shift earn more? Just a fact.
what time is third shift??
10 PM to 7 AM (include lunch break)