What are you thinking about? Part VI

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I'm beginning to think AD is psychic ... got my hair cut today and tonight an ad is showing "$6.99 haircuts" up at the top of the page :hmm:
Did anyone see post #16 on the thread called 'Kids watch on TV too much. " ? There is new member that posted something in a strange language or code.
Did anyone see post #16 on the thread called 'Kids watch on TV too much. " ? There is new member that posted something in a strange language or code.

Saw it...thought it was "baby gibberish" or something...seems the member is trying to sell something...:hmm:
I talked to 5 different women and asked them what they would do if I got bitten by cats. I got 5 different answers. I wonder if they teamed up to play a trick on my mind.
Feel bad that I was a whiner when talking to Amber today. Definitely was a Debbie Downer.

Sorry Amber:)
Feel bad that I was a whiner when talking to Amber today. Definitely was a Debbie Downer.

Sorry Amber:)

Everyone needs to vent now and again. Amber is an adult and has a good head on her shoulders. I'm sure she didn't think that you were just being a Debby Downer for no reason. :) I hope you're feeling happier now! Sometimes venting helps you to feel better all by itself! :D :hug:
There was an advertisement just a moment ago about the Chicago White Sox selling tickets for this season this Friday, and I am sorely tempted to head down to 35th Street to grab a few.
Everyone needs to vent now and again. Amber is an adult and has a good head on her shoulders. I'm sure she didn't think that you were just being a Debby Downer for no reason. :) I hope you're feeling happier now! Sometimes venting helps you to feel better all by itself! :D :hug:

Mew, thanks for the sweet words. Amber was incredibly nice to me. I do really well staying positive but yesterday was a really sad day for me and it got to me a little bit.

Hey it's pouring rain here!!!!!
It's going to be pouring rain here tomorrow. :ugh: At least this weekend will be nice!!! I've missed my motorcycle!!!! Here's to hoping I can ride all weekend!
Feel bad that I was a whiner when talking to Amber today. Definitely was a Debbie Downer.

Sorry Amber:)

Oh I didn't mind at all, don't you worry about it :) no apologies needed

I juggling stuff up in my mind...daughter just phone me from residential home crying says feels like in prison and I feel awful...my son back anytime and want him go see her but he had long flight and not sure how to broche it...times wish thinking could stop few hours a day
Thinking about how a long long time ago I used to say, "I would rather have a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomy".
Thinking of how to get even with a friend who has no patience and no understanding about priorities. This should teach him to learn to wait to be patient. (HINT: It has to do with money owed and rolls of quarters)
That all the ASL students and SAB addicts who come in now say they are hoh...
Thinking about....."Bates Motel"....yippee!...comes back on March 3rd.....Guess all you fans gotta go mark your calendars.....
Wondering why when you post a pic with the alldeaf app it looks normal but when you go online it looks tiny.....
Wondering why when you post a pic with the alldeaf app it looks normal but when you go online it looks tiny.....

I don't mess with the fancy stuff. All I need is a laptop or a tablet that is capable of uploading pictures, and that's more than good enough for me.

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