Yikes! Now I'm lost... where did I mean to post?
A lot of us have. I'm not posting as much since audism went rampant here recently.
I know of quite a few that has left AD just because of that.... Quite sad.
Yes! You like my new mustache? I think the pink brings out the color in my eyes...
Sorry, didn't mean to turn without signalling. It's in regards to this:
Take back AD! Take back AD!
I'm from Arkansas, and I have all of my teeth. I also own shoes.
And miss the opportunity to show off my pretty toenails painted with sparkling rhinestones? Of course not.
I think you'll have to kick your hubby's butt.
I gave up on waiting for my honey to put the lights on. I ended up doing the entire tree myself. I put him to shame.
You can afford rhinestones in Arkansas ? Oh! I know! They came from the cereal box, didn't they?
Cereal? Of course not!!.
Cracker Jacks. Duh!