Life in general. Stupid people here and there.
My brother's soon-to-be-ex-wife, had her first at age 43 and her 2nd at age 46. Both kids were very healthy and all. 2nd child was allowed to eat what she wanted and went on high blood-pressure medicine at age 6. She had a heart attack at age 8 due to unhealthy eating habit and her weight. She is now 18 and still overweight, still has high blood pressure and heart problems and now has diabetes and sleep apnea and sleeps with a CPAP machine. She decided to also start smoking and she is a drinker. The mother doesn't seem to care and still lets my niece do what she wants. When my brother tried to discipline her, the mother said to back off and get away. He waited until she hit age 18 and he has now left. Their son left home at age 17 to get away from his mother and her "uncaring" attitude.
Basically, I was just trying to say, that even in her mid 40's, she had two very healthy babies and suffered no problems herself.
Why is it taking me ages to reach 28,000 posts!?
Hallelujah, it's Friday!!! Here's to hoping it goes by fast.
And Happy Rapture day.
thinking about what kind of food i should make tonight before i take it to my friend's tomorrow.. i want to save $$$ instead of eating out like i always do whenever i'm with her.
Wowie,thinking about how long it's been since i have been here. I think I would like to share with everyone that just as I lost my hearing overnight, 9 years ago, just this month, overnight again, I woke to hearing sounds. Have been to Audi and will be getting digital hearing aid next month, my 1st hearing aid. Am thinking about all the things I have learned about since becoming profoundly deaf, what an eye opener. Smile, life is good, Yeah!Midnight
Want to understand how my mind works?????
Figure this out then you have your answer.