What are you thinking about? Part V

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Just read on the news that more and more women are "packing heat"....:wave:...I've also got 2 fat baseball bats by 2 of my doors....and 3 rowdy teenagers....:giggle:...not to mention, a little Pomeranian who sounds "vicious"and loves to nip at ur leg....Looking for one of those air or fog horns....seriously, I keep my doors locked all times, and mainly only venture out by myself during the day. At night, one of the boys always goes with me.

I am so glad I got out of Jacksonville. I hated the place.

I pity any fool that tries to break in here. If they do, they will not be walking out.
I am so glad I got out of Jacksonville. I hated the place.

I pity any fool that tries to break in here. If they do, they will not be walking out.

say hello to my 12-gauge with triple-O bucks.
^^^And smile when you say hello!

Hello mbrek!
My daughter and her husband just went to Girl with the Dragon Tattoo.

I have read the books and seen the original film, and it's pretty graphic.

I imagine the American version isn't quite as bad, but my daughter was kind of upset by it.

How old is your daughter? there's a very very graphic rape scene, yes. I kept my eyes closed for most of it, it was shocking.
How old is your daughter? there's a very very graphic rape scene, yes. I kept my eyes closed for most of it, it was shocking.

Girl with the Dragon Tattoo can be very traumatic for people that have never been raped, and for those that have been raped it's much much worse. I actually turned it off and the person that was with me .... let's just say that we were dealing with the flashbacks for a while after that.

It's frightening to think of the number of people I know that I would never knowingly subject to this movie.
Girl with the Dragon Tattoo can be very traumatic for people that have never been raped, and for those that have been raped it's much much worse. I actually turned it off and the person that was with me .... let's just say that we were dealing with the flashbacks for a while after that.

It's frightening to think of the number of people I know that I would never knowingly subject to this movie.

Just reading this tells me that I do not want to see it at all.
I saw Girl with dragon tattoo last week. definitely not for those with weak stomach.
I have two similar "bikes". I brought one hoping my husband would be able to use it and another to put under my desk. They're both sitting in the house collecting dust.

Kristina, PM me if you'd like me to send one down to you.

Just to let everyone know - I did PM LoveBlue regarding this. I will poat a picture as soon as it gets here.
How old is your daughter? there's a very very graphic rape scene, yes. I kept my eyes closed for most of it, it was shocking.

30. She has two little girls and twin girls due in March.
Wow! A whole houseful of girls! I love it. :D
I am happy feeling to my doctor issues expertiment to support to health better strength normal strong!! advise lot of me wonderful that is improve adjust to me communication to me my counsellor pleasure really increase I future will long times will change moving to myself own I wish!
Thinking of going to the mall to walk then eat at the food court to gain back the calories I just walked off. :P
Girl with the Dragon Tattoo can be very traumatic for people that have never been raped, and for those that have been raped it's much much worse. I actually turned it off and the person that was with me .... let's just say that we were dealing with the flashbacks for a while after that.

It's frightening to think of the number of people I know that I would never knowingly subject to this movie.

I guess I shouldnt watch it then. I read the book. :hmm:
I guess I shouldnt watch it then. I read the book. :hmm:

I havne't gotten around to reading the book my neighbor gave me for Christmas but I think I may pass up the movie based on what others said.
:P I was on relax fines no problems cool sound seems issues on everything seems pretty calm I love movies :P awesome enjoy!
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