I'm thinking: WHAT A CRAPPY SITE!!!! I saw that today's " Primera Hora " ( local Newspaper ) had a front page article about Deaf in a particular municipality which seemed to be happening by genetic pass down since it was a close knit Deaf community. Thing is that I couldn't buy the paper so I got into the site cause I'm really interested in the article and want to translate it so I can post it and for you guys to read it buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuut....the DARN THING won't recognize my registration -__________- grrrrrrr
Here it is. Translate to your heart's desire.1
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Todo el personal académico de la escuela Ana Dalila Burgos ha sido adiestrado por la maestra Ana M. Pérez para que se pueda comunicar con los alumnos sordos del plantel. Jesús Marrero atiende a uno de los estudiantes. (Primera Hora / Vanessa Serra Díaz)
Ceguera ante los sordos
lunes, 28 de marzo de 2011
Bárbara J. Figueroa Rosa / Primera Hora
La ceguera de las autoridades hacia la comunidad de sordos más grande que hay en Puerto Rico, en el sector Miraflores, de Orocovis, parece ser la primera barrera que enfrenta esta población que, ante el problema de comunicación que tiene, ha preferido aislarse del resto de la sociedad, aun cuando eso implica privarse de algunas oportunidades.
Y es que más allá de una visita esporádica de algún político o de recibir el cheque de beneficio del PAN, los sordos de Orocovis necesitan de alguien que entienda el lenguaje casero que han inventado ante la falta de educación de las viejas generaciones. Pues, como dijo la maestra de educación especial Ana M. Pérez, quien lleva 17 años trabajando con las personas audioimpedidas del lugar, “el sordo de Orocovis no es el mismo que el de San Juan”.
“Esta gente es diferente y hace falta que trabaje con ellos alguien con mucha sensibilidad, paciencia y vocación. Alguien que los ayude a hacer sus gestiones diarias, que los ayude a manifestar sus necesidades, que les muestre otras alternativas que los motive a salir de su entorno porque si no, seguirán aislados”, expresó Pérez, quien trabaja en la escuela Ana Dalila Burgos, donde actualmente estudian cinco niños audioimpedidos.
“Aquí ellos aprenden el lenguaje de señas tradicional, pero muchos de sus padres conocen otro tipo de lenguaje y eso ya es un problema”, manifestó quien ha adiestrado a todo el personal académico para que pueda comunicarse con los alumnos sordos, quienes fueron integrados a la corriente regular.
Otra institución que intenta acercar a la población a las actividades sociales de la comunidad es la Iglesia católica. Sin embargo, según explicó la hermana Iraida Ortiz, portavoz de la Pastoral Social y Espiritual de la parroquia Nuestra Señora de Fátima, las iniciativas muchas veces se quedan en el intento.
“Los invitamos a talleres y los buscamos, pero no quieren venir y no sabemos por qué. Y estamos hablando de gente que son buenísimos y amables, pero no sé qué les pasa. Es como si para ellos el día es hoy, no piensan en el futuro”, expresó.
“Quizá, el problema es de comunicación. Siento que ellos se sienten frustrados porque no los entienden y prefieren vivir en la miseria”, agregó la religiosa sobre la comunidad que figura entre las más pobres de Isla.
Uno de los que reconoce que las barreras se pueden derrumbar y que el Estado juega un papel fundamental en el proceso es el alcalde de Orocovis, Jesús Colón Berlingeri, quien admitió algunos de los problemas que enfrentan los sordos de la comunidad Miraflores.
“Definitivamente, hay un problema y creo que una buena alternativa es ofrecerles unos intérpretes que los acompañen a sus gestiones en las agencias gubernamentales”, dijo Colón Berlingeri al explicar que a nivel económico la comunidad ha sido impactada con la rehabilitación y construcción de viviendas.
“De hecho, allí había un vertedero y se eliminó”, agregó al explicar que le gustaría desarrollar otras alternativas recreativas en la comunidad, en la que escasean canchas de baloncesto o parques de pelota.
Why was that such a big deal? It has been happening from time immemorial. You can find plenty of people who document, and are proud of how many generations deaf their family is.
I think he's frustrated cuz the site won't recongize his registration.
Why was that such a big deal? It has been happening from time immemorial. You can find plenty of people who document, and are proud of how many generations deaf their family is.
I think he's frustrated cuz the site won't recongize his registration.
All academic staff of the school Ana Dalila Burgos has been trained by teacher Ana M. Pérez so that they can communicate with students who are deaf on campus. Jesus Marrero serves one of the students.
The blindness of the authorities towards the larger deaf community is in Puerto Rico, in the Miraflores area of Orocovis, it seems the first hurdle faced by this population, to the communication problem is, isolated from the rest preferred society, even if that means deprived of certain opportunities.
And is that beyond occasional visit of a politician or receive the benefit check PAN, the Deaf Orocovis need someone who understands the home language they invented about the lack of education of older generations. For, as said special education teacher Ana M. Perez, who has 17 years working with hearing impaired people of the place, "the deaf Orocovis is not the same as that of San Juan. "These people are different and need someone to work with them with sensitivity, patience and dedication. Someone to help you make your daily tasks, to help them express their needs, show them other alternatives that will motivate them to leave their environment because otherwise isolated will, "said Perez, who works at the school Ana Dalila Burgos , where five children are currently studying hearing impaired.
"Here they learn the traditional sign language, but many parents know other language and that is a problem, " said he has trained all academic staff who can communicate with students who are deaf who were integrated into the mainstream.
Another institution that seeks to bring people to the social activities of the community is the Catholic Church. However, the sister explained Iraida Ortiz, spokesman for the Social Pastoral and Spiritual Our Lady of Fatima Parish, initiatives are often left in the attempt.
"We invite you to workshops and look, but do not want to come and do not know why. And we're talking about people who are great and friendly, but do not know what happens. It is as if for them the day is not think about the future, "said
"Perhaps the problem is communication. I feel they are frustrated because they do not understand and prefer to live in misery, "the religious community about which is among the poorest island
One that recognizes that barriers can collapse and that the state plays a fundamental role in the process is the mayor of Orocovis, Jesus Colon Berlingeri, who admitted some of the problems facing the deaf community Miraflores.
Spanish to English translation
"There is definitely a problem and I think a good alternative is to offer some interpreters who accompany their efforts in government agencies, " said Colon Berlingeri explaining that in the economic community has been impressed with the rehabilitation and construction of housing.
"In fact, there was a landfill and was eliminated, " he added, explaining that he would like to develop other alternatives offered in the community, in which scarce basketball or baseball parks.
I'm a she, a she! lol
Here is what I get by translating.
I have a confession. I have a major crush on pfh and it won't go awaaaayyyy.
It doesn't matter if we're fighting or getting along or if he's driving me nuts or what. I can't help myself. *sobs* It's turning me into a major pain in the ass, too.I haven't been this batty in my entire life!
Help. I feel like Miss Piggy obsessing over Kermit the Frog.![]()
PFH, any comments on this?
I know I made mention yesterday about some vision problems my son was having and the fact that I was really worried. He was having issues with only seeing part of what was there. Like in the word UMBRELLA he would only see UM---LLA. I asked him this morning how he was doing. Well, his vision is back to his usual self. He finally admitted that he had a massive migraine and did not want to take any medicine for it. After sleeping for a few hours and then eating, it started to get better, then after the night's sleep, his headache was gone and so was the eye issue.
I am thinking, why the fuck do I even care so much?
Perhaps you care a lot because you got the shaft unfairly and they didn't despite breaking many rules.
I felt the same but I am slowly letting it go and start looking to the future with the knowledge what comes around will go around.