What are you thinking about? Part III

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I am thinking about creating a forum to better connect deafies in Arkansas, but not sure if it would have much success as there are not many deafies that spend a lot of time online in this state. Maybe take an ASD Alumni approach even if I am not ASD Alumni myself?? I am sure there is a deaf community here but we are just so spread out it is difficult to connect.

If you do, I'll join. :) My suggestion would be to talk with AAD and publicize your forum in their monthly newsletter (Deaf Arkansans) to invite folks to join. Unfortunately, due to inner politics, the deaf community in Arkansas is fragmented...but maybe this will be a way for them to find a common ground. Who knows?
If you do, I'll join. :) My suggestion would be to talk with AAD and publicize your forum in their monthly newsletter (Deaf Arkansans) to invite folks to join. Unfortunately, due to inner politics, the deaf community in Arkansas is fragmented...but maybe this will be a way for them to find a common ground. Who knows?

I figured there was something going on. There's a small group in NWA, and a group in LR and another group in Ft Smith from what I gather. I'm not sure on what grounds or what specific issue they are divided over though. I dont want to ask as I dont want to stick my nose where it does not belong. :aw:
As a result...the deaf community suffers. Lack of resources, lack of support, etc. It pisses me off.
As a result...the deaf community suffers. Lack of resources, lack of support, etc. It pisses me off.

It is one thing to piece back a puzzle, but it is something else to piece back a fragmented community with broken people.
I am thinking : Wow, am I the only one up? I havn't slept in days. What is your excuse?
(SIDENOTE: Do deaf people sleep more soundly than hearing people?) Is there a reverse cochlear off-swith implant. I would switch my ears off every day if there was.- Thread Idea!

And I am thinking why didn't I upload a pic for my profile.. and..
I have never seen the Prince of Persia .. andI met two deaf people in my life: That girl Alice who was in my day care when I was 4, and that dude I met on the Street in Vancouver. I wanna go back there. Ah Vancouver.
. I think 43 things at once when I am thinking. That way when I relax, I end up with more liesure time. :P
terrible on day! that is very stranger on weather changer weird! I think so might to cause on my stomach! not sure figure out! that is tough!
I don't blame you. :(

I found out yesterday that all three girls that were involved were squabbling because each of them is jealous that the other might be getting more help than they are. Stupid. My mom said it may just be best to cut all of them off completely and tell them to sink or swim. That way if none of them are getting help then the others can't get jealous.

Amanda makes more than I do, but yet her husband stays in a Duplex near where they work and she stays at my Aunt's house during the week and drives an hour to work and back every day. She works days, he works nights, why is there an issue for childcare? They both work 13 days straight with one day off.

Courtney works two jobs, her husband is a police officer, she never has childcare issues, never has any problems but she is bad to go to my Aunt's house and raid her refrigerator and freezer for meat and vegetables. Ironically they just bought a new house. IMO they are living beyond their means. Its is about name brands and fancy toys for them.

Ashley does not work, has no intentions of working, has 3 children, lives in gov't housing, receives WIC and Foodstamps and her mother gives her more help than her sister.

In my opinion none of them are completely innocent but however what irked me is that Ashley claimed she needed time for herself too. First of she gave that up when she had kids, secondly she needs to quit sleeping with so many men at the same time, thirdly she will take them to NWA or Mississippi, drop them off and leave them anywhere from two weeks up to two months. It just depends on when she wants to be a mom and not a hooker.

Me and my mom have decided to just not speak to them or even talk about any of them when they are around so they can't say that we are offending them. :ugh3:

We are having Christmas dinner here this year and we have devised a plan on what action we will take should the three decide to get into it again.
1. We will tell them if you are not going to be nice, go home.
2. If it continues we will tell them to leave.
3. If it escalates we will call the Sheriff's dept to have them escorted out and told not to come back.

I just hope it doesn't go that far at Christmas but this drama is getting old and it has to end.
Yikes, Dixie! Here's hoping for a civilized get-together.
I learn it! That is why sometimes I am very stomach weird! that is why tough! I can drink water! figure out!
I'm thinking: The weather is so fresh tonight that I might sleep in the balcony tonight :)
I learn best hard work! I changelles is very strong! I am best focus on time!
I am thinking about all the things I will do tomorrow...
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