What are you thinking about? Part III

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yep.... one of the recommendations was the oxygen mask but eehhh c'mon. I'm not 60 years old yet :lol:

I almost said the masks don't do much for your 'intimate' life :naughty: (they can be scary looking-- my dad used one)
Jiro, I am not sure if the sleeping of odd hours can affect your health too. It's MY OPINION, Yes. but check with doctor about it.

I agree. If Jiro does all the other things he says he will do, he might still have the sleep problem...note I say "might".

yea I did see the neurologist. They conducted sleep study on me. That's what the result showed - "Mild OSAHS and Significant Hypoxia" and on bad day - I would wake up with bradycardia-like condition. One good day - I would wake up with shitface but I'm good after 30 min or so.
I almost said the masks don't do much for your 'intimate' life :naughty: (they can be scary looking-- my dad used one)

Paging Nurse Adamsmomma..... Paging Nurse Adamsmomma.... Jiro's mask has fallen again.
Jiro, I am not sure if the sleeping of odd hours can affect your health too. It's MY OPINION, Yes. but check with doctor about it.

If you have a sleeping disorder, it does make you fall asleep at odd hours. Every been overtired that you can't sleep?
Jiro - how big are your tonsils? A good friend (female) was frequently tired after some sleeping test, she had similar results. She used the mask for a while and then ask for a second opinion. The doctor recommended for her to have her tonsils removed and it improved her sleeping significantly.
Jiro - how big are your tonsils? A good friend (female) was frequently tired after some sleeping test, she had similar results. She used the mask for a while and then ask for a second opinion. The doctor recommended for her to have her tonsils removed and it improved her sleeping significantly.

Hang on! I'll go get the piano wire! :lol:
If you have a sleeping disorder, it does make you fall asleep at odd hours. Every been overtired that you can't sleep?

the test result shows the presence of excessive daytime sleepiness. I take medication for that. it helps. but hey... this is only a problem to me when I have to abide by the society's rule - the "9-5" job :lol:

My colleague knows my habit well because we work together in same office everyday for 2 years. He said Barcelona is perfect for my lifestyle cuz of siesta :lol:
Jiro - how big are your tonsils? A good friend (female) was frequently tired after some sleeping test, she had similar results. She used the mask for a while and then ask for a second opinion. The doctor recommended for her to have her tonsils removed and it improved her sleeping significantly.

uuuuummmmm....... *looking at mirror* it looks ok to me :lol:

the doctor did suggest me to see ENT and I knew what that meant. Not too thrilled about it.
I almost said the masks don't do much for your 'intimate' life :naughty: (they can be scary looking-- my dad used one)

Depends on the kind of mask........oh you meant the.....nevermind
I have a friend that has to use the CPAP mask. He and his partner finish their intimacy, then he places the mask on for the night. This friend has had to use the mask now for about 5-7 years. They learned to work around it.
I am thinking that it would be cool to join a LFL team.
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