What are you thinking about? Part III

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I'm thinking I really want to get some sleep. I am so tired of not sleeping.
Guess I will get off the computer and let daughter have some time on it. See everyone later. :wave:
Thinking about my egg. OMG times one million. I have the TV on CNN right now hoping I'll catch a blurb about my egg. If anyone else does, please let me know.
Thinking that opportunities should open up for Dixie because of her large egg!
Thinking that opportunities should open up for Dixie because of her large egg!
I hope so! It would be nice if I could get a TV interview and tell them I'm just a simple single mom that only has one wish- to finish my education and provide a better life for my daughter and I. I've been suggested that I make t-shirts for Eggzilla and sell them. I'm thinking this might be good if I were able to do it in bulk. Perhaps I should take a poll on how many people would purchase a shirt if reasonably priced?
I was very stress dizzy and pretty tired stress wake up! i am okay!
I feel SO much better than I did this morning. I'm working on my script for another video :) This one will be more personal.
I am very all right figure out! tough! tough pretty patient soon ready march 23 9:00am
I am thinking about the awesome fruit salad I will be making this evening for tomorrow at church. Pineapple, strawberries, blueberries, bananas, grapes, raisins and honeybell oranges.
I am thinking about the awesome fruit salad I will be making this evening for tomorrow at church. Pineapple, strawberries, blueberries, bananas, grapes, raisins and honeybell oranges.

Yum...do you fold whipped cream into it? That's what I do sometimes.
Travis is that your new false teeth having cavities? Isn't that carrying recycyling too far?

Will you be going swimming for 2 hours soon? Yeah swam 3 laps for you already

Implanted Advanced bionics-Harmony activated Aug/07
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