What are you thinking about? Part II

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why does my body feel like 40 years old with arthritis? :ugh:

There are some foods that cause the joints to hurt- I know it sounds crazy but it's true... look up the 'nightshade' family-- maybe you're eating too many of these things?? (mostly veggies)
There are some foods that cause the joints to hurt- I know it sounds crazy but it's true... look up the 'nightshade' family-- maybe you're eating too many of these things?? (mostly veggies)

it doesn't look edible at all. I'm pretty sure I've never eaten it :lol:
Adamsmomma - oh, youre not looks 37 yrs old by based on your profile picture. it is still looks good and hot (im just saying to give positive comment). :D

Jiro- i know, man.. thats why im waiting for them to come to me and saying, "youre right" something like that, you know? dayum youths.
Adamsmomma - oh, youre not looks 37 yrs old by based on your profile picture. it is still looks good and hot (im just saying to give positive comment). :D

:kiss::ty: That was a very sweet comment!! and made my day!!! :D
It's peppers, potatoes, etc... you don't eat those??

oh? google search showed it to be some kind of flower but now I typed "nightshade family"

Potatoes, tomatoes, sweet and hot peppers, eggplant, tomatillos, tamarios, pepinos, pimentos, paprika, cayenne, and Tabasco sauce are classified as nightshade foods.

I don't eat those much. I mostly eat the greens and onions.
oh? google search showed it to be some kind of flower but now I typed "nightshade family"

I don't eat those much. I mostly eat the greens and onions.

Hmmmm :hmm: well darn that was a simple idea out the window Thought maybe if you ate a lot of those you could elminate those and see how you felt... ya know?? :(
Hmmmm :hmm: well darn that was a simple idea out the window Thought maybe if you ate a lot of those you could elminate those and see how you felt... ya know?? :(

lol no it's because I need to hit the gym. it's that time already.... long overdue.
lol no it's because I need to hit the gym. it's that time already.... long overdue.

Just starting with treatmill, and then joggging and then the spinning class, spinning class is awesome. But don't forget to stretch your legs and arms before you start to work out. :aw:
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