What are you thinking about? Part II

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I own 2 bowling bags that both have rollers on.

any time, any place, any bet.

too bad I cannot back up that statement for golfing :(
I like golf, but have not played golf in a long time.
I played golf before I ever learned how to bowl, but I still pretty much suck at it most the time. I have had some good rounds and a few lucky shots this year, but that is the exception and not the rule. I wished I could have good golf skill instead of bowling skill....oh well....I still have fun though
Then we can do it there. I was planning to be in Aussie for around 6 months. Perhaps i can find a way to meet up. While being in Australia I also plan to visit India for a bit too.
Let me know when you're in town, I'll have the meet up arranged.
I am thinking hubby better find a new job soon. This house is really getting on my nerves. A/C is out again.
thinkin' to roll at DC for Gally's homecoming and saying, "YO, peepz.. ghetto californian here and ready to ROLL with y'all. y'all down w/ me and lets roll!"
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