Well if he were saying it like that, I'd have to guess that Romanian was not his first language. Kudos for him trying though, it's not easy at all. Most people I meet that their second language is Romanian butcher it terribly. I don't think I've met a single person who learned it as a second language that is fluent. I can get what they're saying, but it's usually extremely broken up, chopped and butchered. In Romania, Romanians are taught English at a young age, so most Romanians prefer tourists speak English to them because that's how badly it gets chopped up. Since there is no Language tools to learn Romanian like Rosetta Stone, you have to go off books which are a terrible way to learn since you can't hear how everything is pronounced. This is why people who "learn" Romanian butcher it so badly.

I enjoy that they take an interest and try, however as I said, it's butchered pretty badly by 99% of people who learn it. Hell I even mess up on some of the exceptions in writing letters or something.

It's pretty bad when you grow up with something and can still mess it up.