What are you doing right now?

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Recently I got caught my friend (female) creating another Facebook page under different name (male) and that person kept commenting on her page. That fake guy is actually her, have most of her photos on his profile photo. It is SO obvious, and it disgust me, because she thinks everyone in this Facebook friend are stupid, unfortunately not me.

I am thinking about telling that to her in a person to let her know that I am not stupid, and giving her plenty of evidences. She better stop doing this to get attention or should I let her bullshitting everyone in her Facebook world? *sighs*

She might have Multi Personal Disorder...who knows?

If you are not really friends maybe easiest thing is erase her and juat avoid problem. If not talk with her. Abd if she has that disorder...trying ti remwber the right name for it....then she needs a psychologist asap. And she might not even know she made another facebook. People with that disorder generally sont know what their other personality did. Some personalities interact with each other. Some dont.
If you are not really friends maybe easiest thing is erase her and juat avoid problem. If not talk with her. Abd if she has that disorder...trying ti remwber the right name for it....then she needs a psychologist asap. And she might not even know she made another facebook. People with that disorder generally sont know what their other personality did. Some personalities interact with each other. Some dont.

Do you mean ADHD? Had that previously, and was able to beat it.
Dissociative identidy disorder. I might have written it wrong. But you can look ot up as mutiple personalitu disorder. It will come up with info too.
Dissociative identidy disorder. I might have written it wrong. But you can look ot up as mutiple personalitu disorder. It will come up with info too.

I googled Dissociative Identity Disorder, yes it does match her, and she do tell fake stories. She told me she surf with a guy named Jay Moriarty, and I asked her when? She said 2003, and I told her did you know that Jay passed away in 2001, and she was like which Jay you're talking about? I laughed and did not bother to continue the conversation with her.

If she was hearing, I would ignore and walk away, but she is deaf. She need to stop doing this or the deaf - small world will find out, and she will ended up having no friends or whatsoever. :hmm:

In psychiatry, pseudologia fantastica, also called mythomania, compulsive lying or pathological lying, is a behavior of habitual or compulsive lying. The individual may be aware they are lying, or may believe they are telling the truth, being unaware that they are relating fantasies.
True, they are, but beating ADHD isn't an easy thing to do. It's very hard to do.

People can learn to live with ADHD. My nephew has it and never allowed forhim to get medicated. At least in my opinion it is the worst thing you can do. It is in very extreme cases that medication would be needed and then it should be discontinued as soon as possible.
People can learn to live with ADHD. My nephew has it and never allowed forhim to get medicated. At least in my opinion it is the worst thing you can do. It is in very extreme cases that medication would be needed and then it should be discontinued as soon as possible.

Yes. The reason why is because the medication is too powerful, and people can become reliant on it. It's not a good idea to have it for more than 3-4 months, at the very least.
People can learn to live with ADHD. My nephew has it and never allowed forhim to get medicated. At least in my opinion it is the worst thing you can do. It is in very extreme cases that medication would be needed and then it should be discontinued as soon as possible.

ADHD can be linked from pesticide. :shock:
Clean fruit or vegetable really good, and use anti-pesticide spray before eat.
ADHD, again in my opion is been over diagnosed. Its just an excuse to give medications to kids who dont jeed it and are just a little more hyper than other kids.
ADHD can be linked from pesticide. :shock:
Clean fruit or vegetable really good, and use anti-pesticide spray before eat.

That might explain why I have a temper that's been dormant for so long, and all the terrible stuff when I was a kid.
If you are not really friends maybe easiest thing is erase her and juat avoid problem. If not talk with her. Abd if she has that disorder...trying ti remwber the right name for it....then she needs a psychologist asap. And she might not even know she made another facebook. People with that disorder generally sont know what their other personality did. Some personalities interact with each other. Some dont.

Or she could just be doing it for attention... like a lot of people do things for attention... Drama, people roll around in it and love it. Also, maybe she wants people to think she has an admirer or something. Either way, it sounds like she's lonely and possibly desperate...
That's no lie... That's the only time I woke up naked somewhere... :shock: Thank god I wasn't in bed with anyone, however waking up in the back yard naked in a pool chair was just as disturbing of a wake up... :laugh2: Never again.... NEVER AGAIN!!!
Or this? ;)
That's no lie... That's the only time I woke up naked somewhere... :shock: Thank god I wasn't in bed with anyone, however waking up in the back yard naked in a pool chair was just as disturbing of a wake up... :laugh2: Never again.... NEVER AGAIN!!!

What?! Without ME! :naughty::laugh2:
I'm lying in bed in the middle of the day. Why? It's cold and the heating is off and this is the warmest place for me.
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